
Artificial Ignorance

I rarely interact with Liberals on social media.  I’d like to say I never do, but every once in a while, I see something so ridiculous, or logic so flawed, that I can’t help myself.  So, I respond.  And it’s never (yes, I can use that word here) a pleasant experience.  No matter what I say, no matter how tactfully I say it, Liberals go from zero-to-asshole with their very next response.

A friend of mine told me earlier this week that the Biden Campaign used an AI to simulate users on social media to make it look like Biden has way more followers than he really does.  He said that when I was engaging with what appeared to have been a Biden supporter, it may have actually been an AI.

I thought to myself:  WTF?  Artificial Intelligence?  Why would you need an Artificial Intelligence to pretend to be a Biden supporter?  It doesn’t take any intelligence at all to be a Biden Supporter.

Then it hit me.  In this case, “AI” doesn’t mean Artificial Intelligence, it means Artificial Ignorance.

Yup.  That fits.  That makes much more sense.

It’s an interesting puzzle really.  To artificially inflate the number of Biden supporters on social media, you’d need to make an entity that was ignorant enough to act exactly like a Biden supporter.

I’m an inventor by nature, so I started thinking about the requirements for a machine that could successfully impersonate a Biden supporter. 

Here’s what I think is the short list of “must-have” features.

  1. This logic-based device would need to be designed to ignore logic.
  2. It would also need to ignore relevant facts.
  3. It would need to respond to any disagreement by immediately calling the disagreeing person a racist, pedophile, or some other vile name.
  4. It could only quote information obtained from mainstream media.
  5. It would need to be able to effectively emulate a belief of moral superiority.
  6. It would need to be able to, when backed into a corner, post memes based on lies, half-truths and other misinformation.
  7. It would need to emulate supporting the use of violence when it reinforced Liberal causes, regardless of who or what was harmed.
  8. It would need to pretend to believe that censorship is good, unless it happens to a Liberal.
  9. It would have to be able to decide which black lives matter.

I think that if they can make a device that could do all of those things, they’d have something that would work.

But how would they know if they had it right?  They’d need some sort of a test.

Alan Turing created something called the “Turing Test”.  It’s a test of a machine’s ability to exhibit intelligent behavior equivalent to, or indistinguishable from, that of a human.

But that’s not quite what’s needed.  The Biden Campaign would need a test to measure the ability of a machine to exhibit ignorant behavior that was indistinguishable from a typical Biden supporter.  Let’s call it the “Biden Test”.  Any Artificial Ignorance that passes that test could be successfully pressed into service on social media to create a flock of virtual Biden Supporters.

Here’s the thing, no matter how hard they try, there will always be a big difference between a device made to act like a Liberal, and the real thing.  The difference is that the machine is only pretending to be an asshole.

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Mike is just an average guy with a lot of opinions. He's a big fan of facts, logic and reason and uses them to try to make sense of the things he sees. His pronoun preference is flerp/flop/floop.