
Welcome to PonkaBlog

I created PonkaBlog because of the ever-increasing censorship taking place on social media and because there are a lot of people trying to influence others by using emotions, half-truths and sometimes lies. I promote and encourage the free exchange of ideas and rely on facts, logic and reason to inform, educate, and help people to think independently.

You may not agree with me, but you’ll always know what I believe and why I believe it.

Inside, you’ll find hundreds of articles written with a Conservative slant. Some are meant to entertain and some are meant to inform. But all of them are meant to make you think.

I write several new articles each week. I highly recommend you sign up for my newsletter so you don’t miss a single one.

Thanks for visiting. To get started, check out my most recent post below.


A Great Responsibility

Here’s what I want to know: Why isn’t Mike Johnson president?  Seriously.  How much worse does Biden have to get before someone declares him incompetent? For years they claimed he was the poster boy for good mental health.  “He’s the best Joe Biden ever”, they said.  Then the debate happened,

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