
Spokesman for the People

I’m always a bit confused when the media goes to Jesse Jackson or Al Sharpton to get the viewpoint of the Black Community.  Unless I’m mistaken, one or two people don’t speak for an entire race.  In fact, they’re no more qualified to speak for all black people than I am qualified to speak for all white people.

Hmm.  Isn’t this another way of saying the same thing:  I’m equally qualified to speak for all white people as they are to speak for all black people?

If they can speak for all black people, then shouldn’t I be able to speak for all white people?  I’m pretty sure I should. 

But, as I’ve explained before, I don’t really pay much attention to what color someone is.  So, instead of speaking just for all white people, I’m going to speak for all Americans, the entire American Community.  After all, since we don’t have a “Spokesman for the People”, it might as well be me.

I hereby declare that I speak for all Americans everywhere.  If the media wants to take the pulse of the American Community, they should come talk to me.  If any of you get inquiries from the media wondering what Americans think, send them my way.

I expect to be bombarded with interview requests at any moment so I’m not going to be available to talk to everyone.  To make sure everyone has access to at least some information, I’ve created a handy list of items that will help anyone in doubt know what the people in the American Community are thinking.

  1. We denounce violent protests.  Rioting and looting are not acceptable behaviors.
  2. We believe that America has the right to protect its borders and that anyone wishing to enter the country should do so legally.
  3. We believe in self-reliance and personal accountability. 
  4. We believe that hard work, grit and determination is the key to success.
  5. We believe in a free exchange of ideas and objective, rational thinking.
  6. We believe that children benefit from living in a household with a mother and a father.
  7. We support our Law Enforcement Officers and believe they are vital to our safety.
  8. We believe in justice and that criminals deserve to be punished.

Anyone who doesn’t think like this…well, they ain’t American.

I think that’s a good place to start.  Now I’m going to just sit back and wait for my phone to ring.

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Mike is just an average guy with a lot of opinions. He's a big fan of facts, logic and reason and uses them to try to make sense of the things he sees. His pronoun preference is flerp/flop/floop.