
Civil Warning

I’ve heard talk lately about the potential for violence after the November election.  I’d have to agree.  But only if Trump gets elected.  If Biden gets elected, not so much.

Because, all of the talk has been from Liberals.  Not once have I heard a Conservative say that they’re ready to revolt if Biden wins.  Think about that for a bit.  The people who are supporters of gun rights, and possess most of the firearms in this country, are not the ones who are proposing violence.

Why is this? 

It’s because Liberals have been groomed.  They’ve been trained to believe in things that just aren’t true and, on command, react with outrage against things that aren’t real.

Need an example?  Here’s one.

When George Floyd was killed, everyone agreed that it was a bad thing.  We all agreed that excessive use of force by police was real.  What we didn’t agree on was how much there is.  BLM and the Democrats told their followers that police were hunting black men.  They said that unarmed black men were being singled out by police and exterminated. 

To launch their destruction of America, the Left needed a cause, and they needed a trigger.  The cause was BLM, and the trigger was George Floyd.  The trigger could have been anyone, George Floyd just happened to be convenient.

Starting with Michael Brown in Ferguson and continuing for years, the narrative was that black people are being hunted and exterminated by racist police officers.  However that, by any measure, simply isn’t true.  The entire issue that the BLM organization was founded upon was made up.  But, they needed a cause so the truth became irrelevant.  They also needed the number of people who believed their lies to reach critical mass.  And then explode when triggered.

The number of instances where police killed an unarmed and non-violent person of any race is less than a few dozen a year.  But, that’s not what the media, and the Democrats told their followers.    And, the faithful believers in the Liberal cause blindly ignored all facts and reason.  Then, on command, there was outrage.  The result was riots, looting, destruction, and death. 

Another wave of violence is on the horizon and easy to see to even the most casual observer.  The Left has been claiming for most of the last four years that white supremacy is a huge problem in America.  Nearly everyone agrees that white supremacy exists.  We just don’t agree on how much there is. 

There are almost daily demands for the President to denounce white supremacy, even though there are many, many videos clearly showing him doing such.  Yet the media, Biden and Harris continue to pound on this non-issue.  In fact, the President recently unveiled a plan that would, in part designate both Antifa and the KKK as terrorist organizations.  But, has Biden done the same?  Nope.

Let’s take a break and do a quick exercise.  I’m going to pause for a few seconds while you open a new browser tab and enter www.antifa.com and see what happens.

In case you didn’t do what I asked, I’ll tell you what happens.  If you type in antifa.com, you end up at joebiden.com.  Now, just having a URL redirect somewhere isn’t proof of anything because it’s easy to redirect a URL to anywhere without having consent.  But, the redirect has been in place for months.  It would only take a few seconds for the Biden crew to intercept antifa.com and send it to a page denouncing Antifa and violence against Americans.  But that hasn’t happened. 

The lack of action by Biden to denounce Antifa in this small way is proof that he supports the looting and rioting that’s been happening all year.  Instead, he claims that “Antifa is an idea”.  Yeah, an “idea” that has been promoting violence and destroying our cities.  That sounds less like an idea and more like an army.

And now, back to the main point. 

To continue their destruction of America, the Left needs a cause and they need a trigger.  The cause is white supremacy.  The trigger is the reelection of President Trump.

The notion that white supremacy is running rampant in the United States is false.  It’s not true.  Sure, there are white supremacists, but their numbers are few and statistically insignificant when you consider that there are nearly 330 million people in the United States who aren’t white supremacists.

It doesn’t matter that the number of white supremacists is insignificant, the Left will just make something up to support their assertion.  First, they tried to use the Confederate flag.  But, other than removing a few statues, and branding The Dukes of Hazzard as racist, nothing much happened.  To make their claims of rampant white supremacy appear real, they needed some racism.  So, they started claiming that nearly everything is racist.  And then people started to believe.

That’s why they’ve been repeating the “white supremacy” message for most of this year.  That’s why the Democrats and the media purposefully ignore the numerous times that the President has unambiguously denounced white supremacy.  Because they need people to believe that it’s a huge problem.  They need people to believe that a victory for President Trump is a victory for white supremacy.  They need people to blindly believe the false narrative so their ignorance can be weaponized.

Joe Biden and the Democrats have their Antifa army ready and willing to continue what they’ve been doing all year. All they need is the number of people who believe their new lie to reach critical mass, and then explode when triggered.  The result will be more riots, looting, destruction, and death. 

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