
Month: October 2020

Total 26 Posts

COVID: U.S. vs. Japan

There’s a meme going around comparing the COVID deaths between the United States and Japan.  The claim is that Japan only has 1,000 COVID-related deaths and that low number is because people wear masks in Japan.  Let me explain why this particular meme is quite likely inaccurate and certainly misleading.

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Civil Warning

I’ve heard talk lately about the potential for violence after the November election.  I’d have to agree.  But only if Trump gets elected.  If Biden gets elected, not so much. Because, all of the talk has been from Liberals.  Not once have I heard a Conservative say that they’re ready

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Hogan’s Second Law

One of the big differences between Conservatives and Liberals is this:  Conservatives think they’re right.  Liberals believe they’re right. At first glance, that might not seem like there’s a big difference, but there actually is. To get started, let’s look at definitions of the two words (from Dictionary.com): Think:“to employ one’s

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Hogan’s First Law

According to Arthur C. Clarke’s Third Law, “Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.”  You’ve probably heard that before.  If not, it’s worth thinking about for a bit.  Things that we take for granted today would have been considered magic just a few hundred years ago.  Flashlights, disposable lighters,

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A Day Late

I continue to be baffled why people claim there is no possibility of vote-by-mail fraud.  The system is so full of holes that I believe it should be banned.  Here’s another reason why. Each state has their own rules on when a mail-in ballot must be delivered in order to

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The Shopping Cart Correlation

I have a theory that you can tell a lot about America by observing what people do with a shopping cart when they’re done borrowing it. There is a direct correlation between how people deal with shopping carts and the health of the American society. I was at Lowe’s this

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Vote-by-Mail Fraud is Real

I was riding my bike the other day and I found a wallet on the side of the road.  It contained just over a hundred bucks, some credit cards and a driver’s license.  I was on the backside of my ride and only a few miles from home, so I

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Pants on Fire

I received a voicemail the other day.  The caller left this message: “We spoke about refinancing your home a while back.  It wasn’t the right time for you then, but you asked me to check back with you at a later date to see if we could work together.” But

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Meme Manipulation

There’s a meme that took off after the Vice Presidential Debate earlier this week.  It shows two “quotes”, one from each participant. Pence- “Trump and I trust the American people to make choices for themselves and their families. Harris and Biden want to mandate how you care for yourself“. Harris-

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The COVID-19 Hoax

We’ve all seen the media reports of Trump calling the coronavirus a hoax.  Except he didn’t.  What he did was compare the Democrat’s attempt to impeach him to their criticism of his response to the virus saying, referring to their criticism, “this is their new hoax”.  Let me put that

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