
Dark Soul

I recently saw/noticed the sign on the front of Joe Biden’s podium.  The sign said, “BATTLE for the SOUL of the NATION”.

It struck me odd that the Biden campaign would have the audacity to put the focus on the word “soul”.  Whoever approved the use of that slogan should be fired. 

If political parties could have a soul, the soul of the Democratic party would be a dark one.

Isn’t the Democratic party the group who are supporting late-term abortions?  I’m not religious by any definition of the word, but it seems like someone should be pointing out the hypocrisy of “battling for a soul” when they also support the performing of over 6,000 abortions per week.

Someone should also point out that the Democratic party has largely been supportive of the riots, looting and protests done in the name of “social justice”.  It wasn’t until the polls started showing that they were losing support/votes that they stopped overtly supporting the rioters.  They have NEVER disavowed the riots and rioters and claim that “ANTIFA is an idea”.

I would be remiss if I didn’t point out that Joe Biden claimed on video that “I am the Democratic party”.  This is the same guy who constantly spews racist remarks (“if you don’t vote for me, you ain’t black”) and was primarily responsible for passing laws that made it financially beneficial for black fathers to abandon their families.

I also feel compelled to remind people that Kamala Harris said she was “proud” of Jacob Blake, a rapist who was injured by police while attempting to grab a weapon and putting his own kids in harm’s way. 

The Democratic party is not an organization of hope and rebirth.  They readily admit that it is an organization of destruction with their plans of “tearing down” America.

As I’ve mentioned numerous times, I’m not religious.  But since the Biden campaign brough religion into the argument by using the word “soul”, I’ll respond in kind.

In Matthew 4:1-11, Jesus was tempted by the devil after 40 days and 40 nights of fasting.  The devil promised him the world if Jesus would kneel before him.  But Jesus knew that the devil’s soul was filled with darkness and Jesus politely declined his offer.

The Democratic party has been tempting voters for months.  You’ve been promised that if you vote for Joe Biden, they’ll give you great and wonderful things.  But, if you look closely, you can see that they are making false promises and that their “soul” is filled with hatred, darkness and destruction. 

My advice? Politely decline their offer.

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