
Ignorance vs. Stupidity

I commented on a post a couple of weeks ago and told someone they were ignorant.  She immediately took offense and said I was calling her a name.  But I wasn’t.  If I had said she was stupid, then she’d have been correct.  But I didn’t.   I said she was ignorant.  And there’s a difference between being ignorant and being stupid.

If you’re ignorant, it means you don’t know something.  If you’re stupid, it means you can’t understand something.  Those are two very different things.  Ignorance is a temporary state, stupid is a permanent condition.  The ignorant can become knowledgeable but you can’t fix stupid.

If you’re wondering whether you’re ignorant or stupid, I’ve come up with a few scenarios to help you figure out which one you are:

  • If you’re unaware of the many positive things President Trump has done for people of all colors, you’re ignorant.  But, if you know what President Trump has done for all Americans and still believe he’s a racist, you’re stupid.
  • If you’re unaware of the laws supported by Biden that negatively impact the black community, you’re ignorant.  But, if you’ve seen the multiple videos showing Biden making racists remarks, and still don’t believe he’s a racist, then you’re stupid.
  • If you haven’t seen the dozens of videos showing President Trump disavowing white supremacy and the KKK, you’re ignorant.  But, if you have seen the videos, and still believe he hasn’t disavowed them enough, you’re stupid.
  • If you haven’t heard Biden denounce Antifa.  Well, that’s because he hasn’t done it.  But, if you still believe that he denounces domestic terrorism in all forms, then you’re stupid.
  • If you’re unaware that President Trump was not colluding with the Russians, then you’re ignorant.  But, if you’ve seen evidence that the impeachment debacle was a smear tactic perpetrated by the Democratic party, and you still believe the President was guilty, then you’re stupid.
  • If you don’t know that the mainstream media is biased, you’re ignorant. If you know that they’re biased but still believe everything they tell you, you’re stupid.
  • If you haven’t seen the countless videos demonstrating the decline of Biden’s mental acuity, you’re ignorant.  But, if you’ve seen the videos and still believe he’s qualified to lead our nation, then you’re stupid.
  • Voting for someone solely because “he’s not Trump” is both ignorant and stupid.

Ignorance is, by definition, the condition of being uninformed or uneducated.   Ignorance can be fixed by keeping an open mind, looking at the facts and thinking for yourself.  Being ignorant isn’t necessarily a bad thing, if you have a desire to do something about it.

However, if you know you’re ignorant and choose to remain that way, I think that’s stupid.

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Mike is just an average guy with a lot of opinions. He's a big fan of facts, logic and reason and uses them to try to make sense of the things he sees. His pronoun preference is flerp/flop/floop.