
Baghdad Bob, Debunking and the Georgia Senate Hearings

Back during Gulf War, the Iraqi information minister was Mohammed Saeed al-Sharif.  He was better known to Americans as “Baghdad Bob”.  Bob seemed disconnected from reality and made increasingly outrageous claims that defied what we were able to see with our own eyes.  For example, we could clearly see television coverage of coalition forces occupying cities, to which Bob would claim, “They hold no place in Iraq.  This is an illusion…they are trying to sell to the others an illusion.”

Imagine a CNN reporter standing in front of a burning building that had been set on fire by rioters and calling them “mostly peaceful protesters”.  Yeah, it’s like that.

I was watching the senate hearings on election fraud in Georgia yesterday.  One of the witnesses showed a video of people being chased out of the State Farm Arena, where ballots were being counted.  While we don’t have audio, separate witnesses swore in an affidavit that they were told that counting would be suspended for the night and begin again in the morning.  The video backs up the testimony in the affidavits.

The video clearly shows that everyone left the room except for four people.  As soon as they were the only ones remaining, they removed boxes of ballots that had been previously hidden under a table and proceeded to scan those ballots, unsupervised, for two hours.  The implication is obvious.  There were an estimated 12,000 fraudulent ballots scanned while no one was watching.

After watching the video, Senator Elena Parent (D) said, “That has been debunked for weeks by our Secretary of State’s office.” 

When I heard what she said, I was immediately reminded of Baghdad Bob.  It sounds exactly like something Bob would have said.  In a less important scenario it would have been hilarious.

The problem with the statement made by Senator Parent is that the video had only been obtained hours before.  No one other than Trump’s legal team had seen the video until that very moment.  It was impossible for anyone to have debunked the video.  Yet she claimed it had been.

The affiants also stated a “Chairman Pitts” was in the room and left just before the affiants and that he may be a witness to verify their claims.  Senator Parent smugly remarked, “He just told us he wasn’t there, just an hour ago.”

Let’s talk a little about what it means to “debunk” something.  If you say something has been debunked, that means it has been thoroughly investigated and proven to be untrue.  But, merely asking the accused if they committed the crime, and believing them when they claim innocence, does not mean the claim has been debunked.  Not even close.

Democrats appear to be following a script meant to cast doubt on facts they don’t like.  Saying something has been “debunked” or is “baseless” is one of their favorite tactics.  They repeatedly claim there is no evidence of election fraud.  And, like Bob, “They are trying to sell you an illusion”.  The Democrats are trying to make you believe something other than what you have seen with your own eyes.

Georgia isn’t the only place where hearings have taken place.  In the past week, similar hearings have been held in Michigan, Arizona and Pennsylvania.  Rudy Giuliani and his team have crisscrossed the country showing evidence and proof that the Democrats committed election fraud on a massive scale.  Not only is there evidence, there is a tremendous amount of evidence.

If you haven’t watched the videos of the hearings, I encourage you to do so.  There are dozens of hours of testimony that will prove to any reasonable person that fraud had occurred, and the election was stolen.

However, if you watch the videos of the hearings and still believe that there is no evidence of election fraud, then I’m going to have to borrow a quote from Bob and say, “I now inform you that you are too far from reality.”

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