

This year we’ve seen multiple huge things happen this year that, in a typical year, would be the story of the decade.  Looking at the last 12 months, it’s difficult to wrap my head around everything because the enormity of what’s happening is inconceivable.

It’s inconceivable that so many people cared about George Floyd.  The riots started in major cities across the country within days.  I can understand the local people in Minneapolis being upset about it but I can’t believe that so many other people cared one way or another about George Floyd.  I find it hard to believe that such a large number of people could buy into the BLM lie even though there is not a shred of evidence to back their claims.  It’s inconceivable that so many people could be convinced to believe in white privilege, and that voting for Trump meant you were a racist.   Yet they did.

It’s inconceivable that the mainstream media has become one huge source of misinformation.  Stories that should be front page are ignored while stories about rumors are given round the clock coverage.  If this was only happening at a single news source it wouldn’t be a big deal, but almost all of the U.S. media companies are doing it.  We’ve seen proof that CNN was purposely attacking the President and it’s hard to imagine that the others aren’t doing the same thing.  It’s inconceivable to think that somehow virtually all of the media companies could be corrupted at the same time.  Yet they were.

It’s inconceivable that YouTube, Facebook and Twitter are all censoring anyone they don’t agree with.  Accounts are being suspended and, in some cases, blocked altogether. Their “fact-checkers” only look at Conservative posts and label things as “false” or “misleading” based on facts not in evidence and/or faulty logic.  They constantly gaslight people by posting clarifications or disclaimers everywhere.  It’s inconceivable that they could all simultaneously decide to attack free speech.  Yet they did.

It’s inconceivable that local governments are trampling on our Constitutional rights while presumably protecting people from a disease that nearly everyone survives.  Their seemingly nonsensical rules protect large corporations while decimating small businesses.   They misrepresent data and facts to reinforce the fear they’ve instilled in their constituents.  It’s inconceivable that they would willingly destroy the lives and livelihoods of millions of people.  Yet they are.

It’s inconceivable that Biden won the election.  He ran on no platform and said he wouldn’t tell people what he stood for until after he was elected.  He admitted to having the “the most extensive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics.”  He spent most of the year hiding in his basement and when he did venture out, he had trouble getting people to attend his “rallies”.  He made numerous racist comments over the months leading up to the election.  It’s inconceivable that anyone would vote for him.  Yet they did.

It’s inconceivable that the election was stolen in such a huge way.  The use of mail-in ballots was hurriedly implemented even though they are fraught with opportunities for fraud.  We saw the exact same formula for fraud used by multiple swing states.  Governors, Secretaries of State, Judges and State Supreme Courts seem to be doing whatever they can to put up roadblocks to stop the President from exposing the fraud.  Elections are certified, cases thrown out and appeals denied without anyone even bothering to look at the evidence.  I can understand it happening one state but it’s inconceivable that it could happen in so many states at the same time.  Yet it did.

These are all huge stories on their own.  But what if they were connected?  What if the mainstream media and social media were working to further an agenda?  What if they suppressed the truth and misled people to support their chosen candidate?  What if “social justice” was an excuse to reinforce the myth that President Trump is a racist?  What if the Democrats exploited a global pandemic to steal the election?  

But that could never happen, right?  It’s inconceivable.

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Mike is just an average guy with a lot of opinions. He's a big fan of facts, logic and reason and uses them to try to make sense of the things he sees. His pronoun preference is flerp/flop/floop.