It seems that every issue in the country today is black and white with no room in the middle for compromise. Here are some examples:
- All Lives Matter. Black Lives Matter.
- The election was stolen. The election was fair.
- Biden is losing his mind. Biden will be an excellent president.
- Trump is good. Trump is horrible.
But both viewpoints can’t be true. So, that means about half the country is delusional. And we can’t tell which half it is.
Or can we?
According to Merriam-Webster, a delusion is the act of tricking or deceiving someone. It is also something that is falsely believed or propagated. So, if you’re delusional, you believe something that isn’t real. In other words, someone is delusional if they believe things contrary to what their senses tell them.
The mainstream media, as well as Twitter, YouTube and Facebook have been propagating a carefully crafted world view for the last four years. They have been propagating a delusion. And, if you believe what they say, then you are delusional.
For example, the media keeps repeating the message that black men were being hunted by racist police. That is a delusion. There is absolutely no data to back that up. In fact, all available data says that the exact opposite is true. So, if you ignore the facts and believe the delusion spread by the media, you are delusional.
There is a phenomenal amount of evidence pointing to election fraud. Yet, the media continues to claim that the accusations of election fraud are “baseless”. Social media is actively working to block information about election fraud from being disseminated. That is a delusion. There are thousands of people who have sworn to what they witnessed. There are actual videos of people cheating. It is nearly impossible to point to an election that hasn’t been tainted by fraud. If you ignore the evidence that you see and hear and believe the misinformation circulated by the media, you are delusional.
There are numerous videos showing Joe Biden being confused. He continues to have problems reading from teleprompters. There are times when what he’s mumbling aren’t actually English words. He has a track record of racist acts stretching back nearly five decades. Evidence is accumulating that indicates he has been compromised by the Chinese. Yet the media doesn’t report any of this. And, if you only get your information from mainstream and social media, you are being shown a delusion. If you believe the delusion propagated by misinformation, you are being delusional.
For the past four years, people have been told that President Trump is a racist and otherwise horrible person. The media pushed stories about things taken out of context, and published rumors and innuendos based on information from “anonymous sources”. At the same time, they ignore accomplishments like his multiple nominations for the Nobel Peace Prize and the historic peace deals in the Mid-East. They have created the delusion that made Biden’s sole platform item of “I’m not Trump” possible. If you believe that the only requirement for being President of the United States is that one candidate is not another, then you are delusional.
What do each of these examples have in common? The manipulation by the media. Mainstream and social media have been pushing an agenda by creating and spreading delusions that are ripping the country apart.
We can easily tell which half of us is delusional. It’s the half that gets their information solely from mainstream and social media, and buys into the grand delusion.