
2020 and Brainwashed Sheep

The year 2020 will go down in history as the year that about half of Americas lost their minds.  OK, maybe they didn’t entirely lose the ability to think rationally but they certainly lost the ability to think for themselves.

Why do you suppose that is?  I have an explanation.

According to Wikipedia:
The Chinese term xǐnăo (literally to “wash brain”) was originally used to describe the coercive persuasion used under the Maoist government in China, which aimed to transform “reactionary” people into “right-thinking” members of the new Chinese social system.   Brainwashing is said to reduce its subjects’ ability to think critically and independently, to allow the introduction of new, unwanted thoughts and ideas into their minds and to change their attitudes, values and beliefs.

In short, a person who is brainwashed no longer thinks for themselves.  They believe what they’re told to believe.  

And that’s exactly what has happened.

Looking back at 2020, you can see a long list of things that are completely ridiculous and yet many people believe that they are so.

Here are some examples:

  • Donald Trump is a racist.
  • Masks are useless.  No, wait, wearing masks is really important.
  • Racist cops are hunting black men to exterminate them.
  • Defunding the police is a good idea.
  • There are an infinite number of genders.
  • Burning cities and looting Target stores are acceptable forms of protest.
  • The only qualification someone needs to be President of the United States is that they’re not Donald Trump.
  • Destroying the economy and driving people to poverty is the only way to “fight” the virus.
  • Joe Biden is so popular that he can essentially not campaign at all and still get 12 million more votes that Barack Obama received in 2008.
  • There was no election fraud.
  • The government knows best.

Knowing what we know now about how China has corrupted our government, it’s easy to see that the Chinese used their political influence to persuade and manipulate millions of American people.  About half the country has been brainwashed, reducing their ability to think independently, and changing their attitudes, values and beliefs.  What is essentially State-controlled media is being used to further program how these people behave.

2020 was a challenging year, but the worst part of it had nothing to do with racism, disease or political differences.  The worst part of 2020 is that so many people have lost their ability to think independently and form their own opinions using facts, logic and reason. 

Tens of millions of Americans have bought into the narrative sold by the mainstream media and Big Tech.  Their phones are being used to gently herd them, like lambs to the slaughter, towards the destruction of America.  Fear is being used to shepherd them into advancing a socialist agenda and, like obedient sheep, they go where they’re told to go.

Left unchecked, eventually they’ll reach the point where they have mobilized enough believers that they can simply stampede over everything in their path.

And, if that happens, we’re all flocked.

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Mike is just an average guy with a lot of opinions. He's a big fan of facts, logic and reason and uses them to try to make sense of the things he sees. His pronoun preference is flerp/flop/floop.