
Open Letter to Biden Supporters (#4)

The only way you’re going to take anything away from reading this is if you can have empathy for your fellow Americans.  Being the curious guy that I am, I did a bit of research and found that lack of empathy is one of the major indicators of psychopathy.  And, surprisingly, about 1% of the population exhibits the clinical definition for psychopathy. 

Assuming that the distribution is equal across America, that means approximately 800,000 people who voted for Joe Biden are psychopaths.  Now, don’t get all bent out of shape.  That percentage applies to Trump supporters too.  But, I’m not talking to them.  I’m talking to you.

So, if you read this, and can’t be empathetic, you should literally get your head examined.  No, really.  You should.  Because you’re probably a psychopath.

Let’s continue.

Here’s something y’all don’t appear to understand. Conservatives are people too. And, like most people, we have feelings. I’d like you to take a few minutes to see if you can empathize with us. It’s important that you can, because you claim to want the divisiveness to stop. And, without empathy, there can be no unity.

Imagine our disappointment when rioters were burning our cities and destroying the livelihoods of hard-working Americans, and you cheered them on.

Imagine our confusion when you ignored the fact that the riots were being justified by lies and misinformation.

Imagine our concern when you started “cancelling” anyone who disagreed with you.

Imagine how delighted we were when President Trump was ahead with an overwhelming lead on November 3rd.

Imagine our anger when we saw the mountain of evidence of election fraud.

Imagine our frustration when the media, without any investigation, called the claims of fraud “baseless”. And you believed them.

Imagine how shocked we were when we saw ballots being pulled from beneath a table and counted in the middle of the night.

Imagine how proud we were of thousands of Americans were brave enough to swear, under penalty of perjury, that the witnessed or experienced fraud.

Imagine our frustration when the media continued to call the claims “baseless”. 

Imagine our dismay when, despite overwhelming evidence, you still assert that the elections were fair.

Imagine our astonishment when no one investigated the fraud.

Imagine how exasperated we were when the courts refused to hear or consider any of the evidence.

Imagine our bewilderment when Mike Pence ignored requests from multiple states to set aside slates of electors that were based on fraudulent elections.

Imagine our horror when ANTIFA infiltrated an otherwise-peaceful demonstration to spread violence, hate and destruction.

Imagine our concern when Big Tech started censoring Conservative ideas and ideals.

Imagine our fear when Big Tech started censoring the President of the United States.

Stunned, baffled, confounded, alarmed, mystified, astounded, demoralized and dispirited are also words I could use to describe how Conservatives have felt over the past year or so.  We’ve been attacked, cancelled, silenced, ridiculed and mocked by the same people who are suddenly calling for unity. 

Hopefully, you can understand how we feel.  But if you can’t have empathy for your fellow Americans, you should probably have your head examined.

Related Articles:
An Open Letter to Biden Supporters
An Open Letter to Biden Supporters (#2)
An Open Letter to Biden Supporters (#3)
Bad Moon Rising

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