Now that the inauguration is behind us, the Left is crying loudly for unity. But, as we all know, talk is cheap. It’s actions that matter. And, it appears to me that our new leaders have no idea how to actually unify us. So, I’m going to help them.

Think that will work? Of course not. Not even if you dot all of the I’s with little hearts. But following this recipe is better than what they’re currently doing.
Here’s what Biden supporters don’t seem to understand. They won. It’s their job to lead and it’s their job to unify the country.
Nearly 80 million people didn’t vote for Joe Biden. But we’re not the sheep he’s used to dealing with. Actually, we’re more like an angry bear that was rudely awakened from a long winter nap.
What they should be doing is working to find a common middle ground. What do they do instead? They keep poking the bear.
It seems Biden and his supporters are purposely going out of their way to piss off the 80 million people who voted for Trump. At the same time they claim to want unity, they continue to pound in a wedge that is clearly going to move us further apart.
We all agree that the recipe shown above won’t work. But here are a few things that will.
- Stop impeaching Trump. We all know that Trump didn’t instigate any violence. If you bothered to listen to his speech, you’d hear that he specifically called for a peaceful demonstration. Not “mostly peaceful”, which seems to be the bar you’ve set for yourselves. Peaceful. There is absolutely nothing in his words that could even be mistakenly interpreted as a call for violence. So, stop dicking him around and then we can talk about unity. Better yet, apologize to him for prosecuting him both times based on flawed logic and fabricated evidence.
- Don’t undo actions taken by Trump simply because they were actions taken by Trump. “I’m not Trump” may have gotten you elected but throwing out good ideas simply because of spite is NOT good for the country.
- Admit that ANTIFA is harming the United States. They coordinated attacks across the country yesterday. You want unity? Stop pretending they don’t exist and stop ignoring the damage they’re causing. Call them what they are: domestic terrorists.
- Don’t punish Representatives and Senators for objecting to the election results. They were simply exercising their rights and fulfilling their sworn duties. Rather than censuring them, you should be recognizing them for their bravery.
- Lead by example. Posting calls for unity followed immediately by hateful memes is not helping anything.
- Stop from redirecting to I realize that you have no control over someone redirecting to the White House site, but you can stop it. It’s a single line of code. Allowing it to continue is an insult to all patriots.
Every time you do one of these things, you’re not making us want to unify, you’re pissing us off. You’re poking the bear.
Remember the saying “Be careful, you might just get what you wish for”? Well, you got it. Now act like it. Biden, and his supporters need to keep in mind that nearly half the voters (more than half if you admit the election was stolen) liked the way things were going. We loved our President and the direction the country was taking. Now? Not so much. Not at all actually.
But, Joe Biden is still responsible for leading ALL Americans. Not just the ones that voted for him. Unifying this country may possible but it will take hard work. Merely saying you wish for it to be so isn’t going to be enough. You need to find a way that is effective on both sheep and bears.
You want unity? Then keep herding the sheep. And stop poking the bear.