

I travelled to Montreal once.  Well, several times actually.  It’s a nice city.  But, I always found being there to be a bit unsettling.  There’s something slightly off about it.  It’s like being in an American city, but not quite.  The street signs don’t look like they should, some of the chain stores are different and you can order poutine as fast food.  Oh yeah, and the people are a bit too nice.  Every so often, I’d shake my head and blink to see if it cleared things up.  But it continued to be slightly off kilter. Slightly un-American.

And that’s how I’ve been feeling for the past few years.  Though, recently I’ve been getting that feeling more often.  Increasingly, I’m seeing things that are un-American.

When I heard that President Trump had possibly colluded with the Russians to steal the 2016 election, I felt that, if true, it would be un-American.  The media agreed and covered the story relentlessly.  Several years later, I learned that it was actually Hillary that colluded with the Russians in an attempt to steal the election from Trump.  And the Democrats were knowingly using false testimony to impeach the President.  But, when the truth came out, the media was silent.  Those are all definitely un-American.

Speaking of the media, the American media that I know and love is interested in exposing the truth, whatever it may be.  Why it would be un-American if they were to ignore stories simply because they didn’t want to expose what the truth was.  It would be even more un-American if they were to publish stories directly misdirecting away from the truth.  And they constantly do both.

There is literally tons of evidence of election fraud.  The American thing to do would be for the Democrats to tackle the issue head-on and prove to the American public that they won fairly.  But, that’s not the approach they took.  Instead, they’re simply ignoring everything as if it doesn’t exist.  That’s not American at all.  And, the media is letting them get away with it.  Also un-American.

The Democrats have a maniacal hatred for President Trump.  They’ve accused him of doing some very un-American things.  But, they seem to be blind to the faults of Joe Biden.  Trump supporters also ignore Trump’s faults.  But we also acknowledge that they exist.  What we see from Biden’s supporters is similar to what we see in dictatorial or communist countries where people aren’t allowed to even hint that their beloved leader may be flawed.  Unquestionably un-American.

We’ve been told to believe that protesting for a government-approved cause is good.  We can even use violence if so inclined.  But, if you want to protest against something NOT government-approved, that’s not allowed.  That doesn’t sound like a very American thing to me.

American have always enjoyed a right to say whatever they want.  It’s true that Big Tech can legally block from speaking whomever they disagree with.  It’s legal, but it’s also un-American.  So, while I may not like them deactivating Conservative accounts, I can understand why they’re doing it.  What I can’t understand is why so many American’s think censorship is a good idea.  Why are so many Americans supporting something that is so blatantly un-American?

We’re also seeing talk, and sometimes action, of using un-American, Socialist techniques such as:

  • Creating a list of anyone who has supported President Trump
  • Reeducating Trump supporters
  • Censuring congressmen because they objected to an illegal electoral vote count
  • Kids reporting on parents
  • Neighbors reporting on neighbors
  • Concentration camps for “disease spreaders”

If you’re one of the few Liberals brave enough to read what I write, know that I admit that Manzanar did exist and it was a very bad thing.  You should also believe that Americans learn from our mistakes and that concentration camps of any kind would clearly be un-American.

The point I’m trying to make is that there are a whole lot of Americans doing very un-American things.  Why do you suppose that is?

I think it’s because someone who doesn’t quite know what it means to be an American is pulling the strings.  Maybe it’s George Soros, or Russia, or the Chinese.   Hell, it could be Obama since he never seemed to have America’s best interest in mind.

I don’t know who the mastermind is.  But I do know, whoever they are, they’re definitely acting un-American.

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Mike is just an average guy with a lot of opinions. He's a big fan of facts, logic and reason and uses them to try to make sense of the things he sees. His pronoun preference is flerp/flop/floop.