I used to drink Coke. A lot of it. Back in the 80’s when my metabolism was high and I didn’t care about my dental health, I drank gallons and gallons of Coca-Cola. Then something strange happened. After nearly 100 years, Coke, the most popular soft drink in history, decided to change their formula. They called it New Coke.
Here’s the problem. New Coke wasn’t very good.
So, I did what a lot of people did and bought all the Coke I could. I had cases of it squirreled away (though, that phrase is probably now considered to be squirrel-shaming). Eventually my supply was depleted, and I started drinking the new stuff. I didn’t like it, but I drank it anyway.
After a while, Coca-Cola decided to bring back the Old Coke as the Really New Coke and called it “Coke Classic”. But Coke Classic wasn’t the same formula as the original Coke. The original Coke contained sugar, but Coke Classic contains “high-fructose corn syrup”. Coke Classic wasn’t as good as the original Coke. [NOTE: You can still get the good stuff. It’s just made somewhere else. It’s made in Mexico, imported to the U.S. and people call it “Mexican Coke”.]
There’s a lot of discussion about why Coke decided to change their formula. My personal theory is that it was a clever decision on the part of the Coca-Cola company. High-fructose corn syrup is cheaper than real sugar. If they would have changed the formula, people would have been able to compare the original drink to the new “classic” formula and likely noticed the difference. But, by flushing the market of the original Coke, not many people noticed the difference. The Coca-Cola company successfully replaced a superior product with an inferior one.
Which brings us to today. Today, the Coca-Cola company is once again removing something white from their “formula”. But, instead of removing sugar from their soda, they’re eliminating “whiteness” from their employees.
A couple of days ago, someone leaked materials from an internal course on diversity training. In what has been reported to be a mandatory class, employees of Coca-Cola were encouraged to try to be less white. Here’s one of their slides.

That may not be the most racist thing I’ve seen in the past year but it’s definitely in the top five.
The Coca-Cola company didn’t invent “wokeness”. They’re just spreading the craziness. The Left has been driving the “woke” bandwagon from the beginning. And, like mail-in-ballots, they decided to leverage the fabricated COVID-19 “crisis” to their advantage.
First, they took away what we had. They used bad science to instill fear of the virus into the minds of millions of people. Then, they separated everyone, both physically and emotionally. Next, they used the ridiculous theory of “wokeness” to make those same millions of people question everything they knew and forget what their lives used to be like.
Then, when enough people weren’t paying attention, they stole a Presidency.
The Democrats are changing the recipe of success that has propelled the United States forward for nearly 250 years. In just a few short weeks, Joe Biden has killed tens of thousands of American jobs and is driving manufacturing overseas. He destroyed our energy-independence and has cozied up with our enemies. He’s making the United States into something new.
Here’s the problem. New United States isn’t very good.
I predict that over the next few months, the COVID-19 “crisis” will magically go away, and things will return to normal. Except it won’t. Because it has already changed. The Left has leveraged fear, intimidation and ignorance to change the United States into something new. They’re hoping that people won’t remember the way we were so they can’t compare it to what we’ve become.
Before the end of the year, the Democrats will have successfully replaced a Great America with something inferior.
I know, it sounds like a dream. I occasionally have to pinch myself to make sure I’m awake. And each time, I’m faced with the realization that this isn’t some hallucination. It’s the real thing.