
Solving Illegal Immigration – Part Two

The primary job of the government of the United States should be to protect the citizens of the United States.  When there is a choice between protecting a citizen vs. protecting someone who is not a citizen, the citizen should win every single time.

Our southern border is being invaded.  Every day, thousands of people illegally enter our country and many of them are not nice people.  These not-so-nice people, who aren’t supposed to be here in the first place, then go on to murder, rape and rob people who actually are supposed to be here.  The constant flow of criminals into the United States puts law-abiding people directly at risk.

But even those invaders who aren’t here solely to commit crimes are threatening the wellbeing of We the People.  The government is spending money and other resources to house, feed, heal and educate people who don’t belong here.  And let’s not forget about the federal government giving “stimulus” payments to illegal aliens.  Any money spent on the care of illegal aliens is money not being spent to benefit taxpayers. 

So, we can easily conclude that every person allowed to enter and remain in this country illegally, in some way or another harms the people whose protection is supposed to be the government’s number one priority.

I think it’s time to fix that.  The best way to make sure that invading aliens don’t cause harm is to keep them out of the country in the first place.  Since that’s not happening, we should have a process that removes them as quickly as possible.

Here’s a whacky idea.  Let’s stop giving illegal aliens the ability to use our own laws to give themselves an advantage.  Let’s pass an Amendment that says that the United States Constitution only protects those people who are legally in the United States.  Anyone here illegally would not be guaranteed any rights by the Constitution because the Constitution would only guarantee those rights to U.S. Citizens and their guests.

With my plan, anyone who is a citizen, or here on a visa, would enjoy the protection provided by the U.S. Constitution.  But, if someone is caught in this country illegally, our only obligation should be to keep them alive until they can be sent back home.  And that process should happen very quickly. 

There shouldn’t be a month’s-long process where they give some sob story about why their case is special.  I don’t care what their story is.  The first interaction they had with our country was to break one of our laws.  That behavior should be punished, not rewarded.  Allowing them to break the law, only to then hide behind, it is absurd.

People illegally in the United States shouldn’t be read their Miranda rights, they shouldn’t have a right to an attorney, and they shouldn’t be protected from search and seizure.  Because those rights are granted by the Constitution, which shouldn’t apply to them.  They shouldn’t be given a place to live or given a driver’s license, they shouldn’t be given healthcare (other than basic first aid) and they should not be given financial aid of any kind.  The sole exception being a ride back to wherever they came from.

In other words, people here illegally would have “human rights” but nothing beyond that.  They forfeited all of their other rights the moment they unlawfully stepped across the border.

There should be absolutely no benefit to being in this country illegally.  In fact, being an illegal alien in the United States should be very high on the list of things people don’t want to do.  Only people here legally should enjoy our full protection.  People who have invaded this country illegally should be considered enemies of the State.  And we should be making their stay here as short, and as unbearable, as possible. 

Instead, we allow them to hide behind our legal system and the Constitution while the government does everything short of fluffing their pillows at night to make sure their stay is comfortable.  Of course, I could be wrong and there actually is an office of Illegal Alien Pillow Fluffing.  It wouldn’t surprise me.

Solving the immigration problem is easy. All it takes is for the government to remember that we’re the ones they’re supposed to be protecting.

Related Article:
A Quick and Effective Solution to Illegal Immigration

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