Yesterday I saw one of the most foolish things I’ve seen in a very long time. It was a post of some text that made a very Liberal claim about forgiving student loans. Here’s what it looked like:

Naturally, the Liberals were falling all over themselves to agree with it. And, naturally, they’re all wrong.
Ah…<rubs hands together>…where to begin. This is like shooting fish in a barrel (I probably should have given a trigger warning before I said “shooting”).
First of all, how is expecting you to pay off a loan that you willfully agreed to pay back “bullshit”? It was something you did, not something that inexplicably happened to you. You didn’t wake up one day, find a payment due notice in your mailbox and think, “damn, someone must have student-loaned me!”
No, somewhere there’s a document with your signature on it where you made a promise to repay a loan you took so that you could play beer pong and grab-ass for four years.
Presumably, you did an analysis of the costs of the loan vs. what you could expect to earn with your degree in Theater Arts. If you didn’t, you should have.
You should have known what payments you would be expected to make each month and how long it would take you to repay the loan. You should have known whether or not your degree would even make you qualified for a manager position at Mickey D’s.
And, you should have used that information to decide if you wanted to take out the loan in the first place. If you didn’t do that, it’s not my problem. Well, at least it shouldn’t be.
Secondly, you can’t compare someone making a bad financial decision to someone dying from a disease. That alone is poor enough logic to make it obvious to everyone what kind of idiot you really are (hey, you started the name calling when you said I’m a “fucking asshole”).
Let’s use cancer as an example. If someone ends up with cancer, it’s most likely not their fault. But, if someone has a student loan they have to repay, it’s entirely their fault. No one decides whether or not they’re going to get cancer, but everyone decides whether or not to take out a student loan. Your whole “disease vs. student loans” comparison is nonsensical.
I can understand that the creator of the meme made a poor decision. It must suck to be her (by the use of the term “grossed out”, I’m inferring it was written by a woman). And, she probably had her feelings hurt when she discovered that accepting a loan isn’t the same as accepting a gift. Well, that’s too bad.
What’s next? If someone decides they’d rather travel to Europe than make payments on their student loan should we be expected to pick up the slack? If someone buys a house, is it “bullshit” to expect them to pay for it? What if I buy a new car and I can’t make the payments? Should everyone else reimburse me for my bad judgement?
Of course not.
I’ll make one last point (though I have many more I could make). The government doesn’t have any walking-around-money to spend on paying off your or anyone else’s debt. The deficit this year is projected to be $2.3 trillion.
For those of you whose student loan paid for a degree that gives you no practical skills, allow me to explain: That’s a very big number and it means that the government is already spending way more money than it has.
What you’re proposing is that we borrow money to pay for your loan. Look me in the eye and tell me that isn’t absurd.
If you think that student debt should be forgiven, go ahead. There’s nothing stopping you from selecting someone and paying off their loan. If paying for someone else’s boneheaded decision is what floats your boat, you should do that. Maybe you could start a GoFundMe campaign to solicit money from all your Liberal friends who feel the same as you.
No one forced anybody to get a student loan. Expecting someone else to pay for your bad decisions is just another example of Liberal stupidity and a Socialist agenda.
You alone are responsible for your own actions and you alone made a financial decision that was short-sighted and foolish. And now you want all of us to pitch in to cover your mistakes? I don’t think so. If you want to continue to be a nincompoop and continue to do foolish things, that’s cool. Just don’t expect me to pay for it.
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