
Month: March 2022

Total 5 Posts

The Hook

Remember back when cartoons were funny?  That’s right, Bugs Bunny, Yosemite Sam and even the Road Runner.  Those were cartoons.  Not the inclusive, gender neutral, defund the police cartoons of today.  One of the recurring gags in many of the Loony Toons cartoons was the use of the Shepard’s crook

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For the Record

I got an email from Amazon the other day telling me about a book that they think I might want to read.  The accolades for the book went something like this: “This is the number one best seller of any fourth book in a series written by this author!”.  I

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Solving the Homeless Problem

Governments everywhere have a bad habit of slapping a coat of paint on something and then pointing at it as some grand accomplishment.  When, in reality, nothing changed. Take the homeless problem for example.  A few years ago, there was a big deal made of some local government agency here

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There have been more than a few people, me included, complaining about how Biden and his insane policies have driven up gas prices to record levels. The usual answer from people who have their heads up so far up their asses that they still support Biden goes something like, “Gasoline

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The Biden Challenge

Back before the 2020 election, I posed a challenge to the people I’m connected to on Facebook (calling some of them “friends” would be a stretch).  The challenge was for Biden supporters.  I asked them to pick a single thing from Biden’s platform and tell me why they thought it

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