Have you ever watched the TV show called “Ancient Aliens”? Contrary to what you might infer from the title, it’s not a show about really old illegal aliens. It’s a show about the “nanoo-nanoo” type of aliens. If you’ve missed that one, then maybe you’ve seen an episode or two of any one of the dozens of similar pseudo-science time killers?
If you haven’t, then you really should. They’re actually hilarious. And I’m not talking about the guy with the big hair, though he’s pretty funny too. I’m talking about the argument used by every one of the talking heads on those shows.
It goes something like this:
If aliens have landed on Earth, then isn’t it possible that they can disguise themselves as human? And if THAT’S true, then isn’t it also possible that lizard people, disguised as humans, have infiltrated the government?
Well, sure. If aliens have landed on Earth, then a whole bunch of other alien-related things could be true as well. The second part of the argument only works if you agree that the first part is true.
This is the formula used for the entire show. Each supposition is built from the previous ones which were built on an initial assumption that wasn’t necessarily true.
It’s a popular technique used to help steer people’s thoughts in a particular direction.
So, what happens is untruths and misinformation is stated as fact. And once people believe those lies, it becomes easier for them to at least believe in the possibility that something else may be true.
Here’s a real-world example of this argument in action.
If the vaccines aren’t killing people, then isn’t it possible that people all over the world are dropping dead from taking cold showers?
Yeah, apparently, it’s a thing. In the U.K, it was recently discovered that there are a high number of unexplained “excess deaths”.
Specifically, otherwise-healthy people are keeling over from heart attacks. And nobody knows why. The current working theory is that climate change has caused the price of energy to rise to a point where people can’t afford to take hot showers. And the cold showers that they are taking are causing people to develop a sometimes-fatal arrythmia.
I am not making this up.
I guess they’re overlooking the fact that if cold showers were causing deaths, wouldn’t they be finding these dead people in…you know…their shower? Or at least near their shower. Or maybe in their house.
But, we’re all expected to believe that a statistically significant number of athletic twenty-somethings are first taking cold showers, and then going out to play soccer, and then dropping dead.
And that all makes perfect sense if you first believe the “safe” part of “the vaccines are safe and effective”. As long as you believe that the vaccines are safe, it’s possible that people are dropping dead from non-vackseen-related causes at a rate higher than we’ve ever seen before.
Yeah, that must be it.
Here’s another one:
If it’s true that Biden got 80 million votes, then isn’t it possible that he’s a brilliant strategist and his mind works at a level most of us can’t comprehend?
The way his mind works is incomprehensible, that’s for sure. But not because he’s a genius. It’s because he’s insane.
Look at it this way, if you were Joe’s PR person and wanted to neutralize all the videos everywhere of him doing insanely stupid things, what would you do?
The first thing you’d do is flood the Internet with video examples of Joe acting Presidential. Or, at the very least, acting normal.
So, you’d put together a video montage of him not sniffing little girls’ hair, not forgetting who he just shook hands with, not falling off a bike and not uttering gibberish. The goal would be to show so many examples of him not being a moron that people would forget that sometimes he is.
That’s Public Relations 101.
Which makes me wonder…why aren’t there more of those no-really-Joe-hasn’t-lost-his-mind videos? Hell, why isn’t there at least one? I’ll tell you why. Because it’s impossible to string together even a few seconds of him acting like someone who hasn’t lost his mind.
Anyone who believes that Joe Biden hasn’t lost his marbles will also believe that the election was fair and fraud-free.
This is fun. Let’s do one more.
If it’s true that the economy is stronger than it has ever been in history, then isn’t it possible that store shelves are empty simply because people have more money to spend?
That must be it. People once again have enough disposable income that they can now afford to buy soup. Apparently, forcing people who didn’t go to college to pay for the student loans of people who did go to college is just what our economy needed.
The problem couldn’t possibly be that many people no longer want to work for a living and are content to just sit on their asses and collect unemployment checks.
Or that people are hoarding things when they can find them because, since Biden took over, it’s become commonplace not to be able to find things.
Or that the price of fuel and ridiculous regulations on the trucking industry has put many trucking companies out of business.
No, the reason has to be that people have become so affluent that they’re buying things faster than the stores can restock the shelves.
Which makes perfect sense as long as you believe the economy is stronger than ever.
Once you see the formula, it becomes impossible to unsee it. Claim something to be true that isn’t, then pile on lies that only hold together if people continue to believe the previous ones.
Here’s one more for extra credit.
If it’s true that you believe the vackseens are safe and effective, and that Joe Biden doesn’t have dementia, and the economy is stronger than at any other point in history, then isn’t it also possible that you’re an idiot?