In case you missed it, last week at a conference in Europe, a Pfizer representative admitted that the company never bothered to test whether or not their COVID vackseen prevents the transmission of the disease to others.
The Conservative press picked up the story and ran with it. The headlines stated something like “Pfizer admits to lying”, “Pfizer caught in a lie”, and other similar ways of saying liar, liar, pants-on-fire.
Then the “Fact Checkers”, whatever that means, started “fact checking”. And they missed the point entirely.
The general take on this by “Fact Checkers” is that Pfizer wasn’t lying because they never actually claimed that their drug would prevent the spread of COVID-19. And since Pfizer didn’t make the claim, they can’t be accused of lying.
Yeah, they can. It’s called a lie of omission.
The people pushing the vackseens all claimed that it did prevent the transmission of COVID. We were told that we were selfish if we didn’t get vacksinated to protect others. Health officials, politicians, armchair virologists, and even the President of the United States said in no uncertain terms that it was impossible to catch COVID from someone who had been “fully vacksinated”, whatever that means.
It was impossible not to hear people, very famous people, saying that the vackseens would stop you from spreading the disease to others. Entire marketing campaigns were dedicated to spreading that message. The U.S. Government spent billions of dollars greasing the palms of social media influencers to spread the word that if you get injected with an experimental drug, you’ll protect others.
And what did Pfizer say about all this? Nothing.
If they were being truthful, Pfizer would have run their own marketing campaign telling everyone that there’s no proof that their vackseen would stop the spread of COVID because nobody bothered to test it.
But they didn’t, so they weren’t.
The people at Pfizer knew that it was being claimed that their drug would prevent the spread of COVID-19. They had to know. And every time they said nothing and let people believe something they knew to be untrue is a time when they were lying.
Not only did Pfizer lie, that company probably lied more than any other company in history. Moderna comes in a close second.
So, why didn’t Pfizer put any effort into making sure that people were being properly informed about what their drug will and won’t do? That’s easy. Because they didn’t have to.
You probably already know that the drug companies were granted immunity from liability for any injuries caused by use of their COVID vackseens. But did you know that the immunity was granted by invoking the “Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness Act” which was passed in 2005?
The law empowers the Secretary of Health and Human Services to grant immunity to companies making or distributing critical medical supplies, such as vaccines and treatments, unless there’s “willful misconduct” by the company.
Let’s take a closer look at the term “willful misconduct”. I’d say that applies here. Pfizer knew that their product didn’t stop transmission. Or at least they didn’t know for sure if it did. And yet they remained silent while misinformation campaigns across the globe spread the word that that getting vacksinated would protect others.
And a bunch of people believed it. So, they rolled up their sleeves, got jabbed, and started visiting grandma again. And some grandmas got sick. And some grandmas died.
Shouldn’t Pfizer be held liable for every injury or death of someone who caught COVID-19 from a fully vacksinated person? I believe they should.
I think “willful misconduct” by Pfizer would be pretty easy to prove. Because, as hard as this may be to believe, we still have the concept of “informed consent” in this country.
Do you want to know what “informed consent” looks like? Well let me tell you.
I want you to go pick up a copy of the Reader’s Digest. Then, start paging through the magazine front to back. When you run across an ad for a drug, leave the first page showing the shiny happy people, and rip out the following three or four pages with all the fine print of warnings and disclaimers about the drug. Now do that for every ad in the magazine.
When you get done, take a look at the pages you ripped out. You’ll notice that the pile of pages you removed is larger than what’s left of the magazine. That pile of pages is what informed consent looks like.
Or maybe you’ve seen an ad on TV and there’s a voiceover at the end of the commercial with a guy talking so fast you can’t understand what he’s saying. That’s also informed consent.
But informed consent only works if people are, you know, informed.
Pfizer willfully remained silent about all the false claims being made that their vackseen would stop the transmission of COVID-19. They also remained silent when people were accused of spreading misinformation by pointing out the obvious fact that vacksinated people were still spreading the disease.
They knew that people weren’t being armed with enough information to give informed consent. And yet they allowed the misinformation to propagate. And I call that “misconduct”.
Put them together, and you have “willful misconduct”, which should immediately cancel their immunity.
There was absolutely no upside for Pfizer in making sure that people were told that their product didn’t do what everyone was claiming. But there was also no downside in not telling them.
Put yourself in in their shoes. The only thing that an educated consumer would bring was less profits. If you had a product that someone else paid you to develop, then that same someone else is paying you billions of dollars for that product, how much effort would you put into telling people the truth?
If Pfizer were being honest, at the very least, they could have put a disclaimer in every box of their vackseen telling people that it hasn’t been proven to prevent the spread of COVID-19. Well, to be fair, maybe they did. But since nobody ever had a chance to ever see any in-box documentation, we’ll never know.
Maybe what Pfizer did wasn’t illegal. But it was certainly immoral.
Every time someone was injected with their vackseen, Pfizer was being dishonest. And what’s it called when you’re being dishonest with someone? Oh yeah, that’s right, it’s called lying.
So yeah, regardless of what the “Fact Checkers” say, Pfizer did lie. Billions of times.