I never answer my phone anymore. Nobody seems to be able to do anything about spam calls, so I took it upon myself to come up with a solution. If you call me, and I don’t have you in my contacts, your call goes to voicemail. Sure, I’ve missed a couple calls I really did want, but that’s what voicemail is for.
Every so often, I get a voicemail from a guy that goes something like this: “Hi Mike. The last time we spoke, you asked me to check back with you in a few weeks to talk about refinancing your home.”
But he and I have never spoken. I know this to be fact because I haven’t talked to anyone about refinancing anything. So, I’m listening to the message and thinking, why would I do business with anyone when the first thing they do is lie to me?
It’s sort of sad, but I don’t believe anyone anymore. It used to be that I would trust someone until they gave me a reason not to. But these days, I just assume that everyone is lying about everything. Because, more often than not, they are.
I came across a quote the other day. It’s from George Orwell and it goes like this, “In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.”
George Orwell died in 1950 so I’m going to say it’s highly likely he said it before then. I’m guessing he was talking about Communist Russia. But that’s exactly where we’ve ended up just 70 years later. People everywhere seem to have simultaneously landed in the same place. Where lies are their go-to move and telling the truth is something only done by right-wing conspiracists.
California recently passed a law making it illegal for medical personnel to spread “misinformation” about COVID-19 during patient care. California defines “misinformation” as “false information that is contradicted by contemporary scientific consensus contrary to the standard of care.”
Let me tell you, the “contemporary scientific consensus” is bullshit. If I had a nickel for every time I heard the phrase, “the COVID vackseens are safe and effective”, I’d be a very wealthy man. The same thing goes for, “if you get a COVID vackseen, you can’t spread it to others”.
Both of these things are still considered the “contemporary scientific consensus”, and both are obviously not true. And yet doctors will be punished if they say anything to the contrary.
Everywhere you look, we see massive piles of evidence showing that the vaccines aren’t safe nor are they particularly effective. This week, at a conference this question was posed to a spokesman for Pfizer, “Was the Pfizer COVID vaccine tested on stopping the transmission of the virus before it entered the market?”
The answer, “No. We had to really move at the speed of science to really understand what is taking place in the market.”
First of all, the speed of science isn’t a constant. Anybody who is an actual scientist knows this. True science moves at whatever speed is necessary to uncover the facts. The bullshit that Big Pharma is calling “the science” is nothing more than slightly veiled marketing propaganda. And if we’re to the point where the progress of science is governed by the number of clicks it generates, we’re in bigger trouble than I thought.
Secondly, I thought it was very telling that apparently, they were moving fast to understand what’s taking place in the market, not moving fast to really understand if their product would be more harmful than the disease it was supposedly designed to prevent.
OK. Maybe “prevent” is the wrong word in light of what they just admitted, and we knew all along. But if it wasn’t designed to prevent anything, then what was it designed to do. Oh yeah, it was specifically designed to generate enormous profits.
But here’s the thing, even though the manufacturer of the drug admits they didn’t bother to adequately test the drugs, and that their drug does nothing to prevent the spread of COVID, the “contemporary scientific consensus” in California is still that “the vaccines are safe and effective” and “you should get vaccinated to protect others.” And any doctor who goes rogue and says anything else, regardless of whether or not it’s true, will be punished.
There’s a different quote with a similar sentiment that’s been attributed to Ron Paul. It goes like this:
“Truth is treason in an empire of lies.”
I came across that quote recently and thought to myself, “holy shit”. It’s hard to imagine words that are more relevant today.
Now, you and I know that something incredibly hinky happened during the wee hours of the morning on November 4th, 2020. What happened was statistically impossible and even more improbable. About half the country waited for weeks to hear a reasonable explanation for what happened. Any explanation really. But nothing came.
Even now, nobody has bothered addressing the white donkey in the room. Other than hearing them repeat, “the 2020 elections were the most secure ever” over and over, I haven’t heard or seen one bit of explanation about even a single one of the election-stealing actions we all saw happen.
So, on January 6th, some people, most likely filled with alcohol and short on common sense, asked for an explanation. And they asked loudly. OK, maybe their tactics were a bit shortsighted but at least half the country believes that what they were trying to accomplish was admirable.
And now they’re in prison. Charged with treason. Well, technically, the charge is “seditious conspiracy”, but it’s the same thing.
The explanation we get is that they’re imprisoned because they tried to overthrow the government of the United States.
If they were truly trying to overthrow the government, don’t you think they would have been…you know…armed? And they probably wouldn’t have wasted anytime taking selfies. I haven’t spent a lot of time working on a plan to overthrow anything. But I’m thinking that coming armed and not creating photographic evidence would be right up near the top of the list.
And I’m also thinking that maybe they should have instead arrested the people who declared on TV everywhere that they were going to burn this country to the ground. Then actually set fires in cities everywhere.
There’s a little thing we used to believe in called “innocent until proven guilty”. What happened to that?
These people, accused of perpetrating a “violent insurrection”, are being punished while they await trial. They’re being treated worse than we treat our actual enemies. 34 prisoners recently sent a handwritten letter to the judge requesting that they be sent to the prison at Guantanamo Bay because the conditions there are better than where they’re at. Wherever that is.
Think about that, America citizens, who have been convicted of absolutely nothing, are being held in conditions so bad they’d rather be treated like terrorists. Remember, there have been numerous lawsuits filed against how the prisoners at Guantanamo are being treated. Yet the people being detained for their role in the January 6th event would rather be there than where they are now.
All for demanding the truth.
We’ve devolved to a point where the truth is no longer valued and only lies are allowed. Today, the quest for truth will get you labeled as a traitor and spreader of “misinformation”. You’ll be punished for even questioning what the government tells you to believe.
This country was founded on the belief that a free exchange of ideas makes us stronger. But no more. Today, speak the truth and you can literally find yourself in chains. We’re locked in this strange state of affairs where the truth is feared so much, it has become illegal.
But I have to believe this won’t last long. I have to believe that November will bring change, and an end to this insanity.
And I have to hope that someday soon, once again, the truth will set us free.