Every day, we see reports of healthy people dying suddenly and unexpectedly. Some of them are literally dropping dead while walking down the street. Clearly this is something that has always happened. There are eight billion people on the planet. Nearly 167,000 people die each day. And some of them are going to die for no apparent reason.
But in all my years, I have never seen it happen as much as it has recently.
If we just looked at just famous and semi-famous people, you know those most likely to have media coverage, we used to see two or three people dropping dead in a year. Now we sometimes see two or three in a day. And those are just the famous and semi-famous people. If you include the general non-famous population the number becomes far too big to blame on coincidence.
But, if you ask Big Pharma and pretty much any government, they’ll tell you that it is just one big coincidence and that they’re certain the COVID vackseens had nothing to do with it. However, they’ll also tell you that the drugs carry a risk of stroke, heart disease and a host of other things you’d rather not have happen to you.
Since the vackseens are known to cause heart disease, it’s reasonable to assume that at least some of the people dying suddenly and unexpectedly from heart attacks are doing so because of the vackseens. But the party line is still that people are dying from a “medical coincidence”.
You’ve seen the charts. All over the world, the number of excess deaths, miscarriages and stillbirths have mysteriously increased over the past couple of years.
That’s just the people dying. Don’t forget the millions of people who have been damaged by the vackseens and now face a lifetime of pain and suffering.
It’s obvious that something is happening. We’re just not exactly sure what it is. Our observations indicate that it started happening at the same time people started being injected with the vackseens. But we don’t know for sure the vackseens are the cause because nobody has done anything to determine if they are or aren’t.
So, wouldn’t you think that those in charge would be interested in finding out what’s going on?
Well, you might think so. But they’re not. Instead, we’re expected to believe increasingly ridiculous explanations like more kids are dying these days because video games have suddenly started causing their hearts to stop.
Some people will tell you that the pandemic is actually a plandemic and part of something called “The Great Reset”.
It could be. Not only don’t authorities seem to be interested in the problem, there appears to be a concerted effort at a coverup. The governments continue to claim the vackseens are “safe and effective”, the mainstream media doesn’t cover any of these deaths and neither of them appear to be the least bit interested in finding out why all these people are getting sick and dying.
And if that wasn’t bad enough, doctors are being threatened with the loss of their medical license and with prison time if they even suggest to their patients that the vackseens may be dangerous.
It’s like they’re waiting for people to forget the way things were, or just accept that this is the way things are going to be from here on out.
A lot of people are looking at the sudden and unexpected deaths and are calling for an immediate investigation into what’s going on. They somehow naively believe that governments everywhere will come clean and tell the world the truth about how dangerous those vackseens are.
That might sound like a good idea on the surface, but I don’t think it is.
We’re finally seeing multi-vaxxed people who have decided not to get another one. They’ve figured out that the vackseens provide no benefit whatsoever. They still caught COVID, some of them have caught it multiple times while their unvaxxed friends remain mostly COVID-free.
So, these people know that the jabs don’t work, but try to talk with them about all the deaths and injuries that are seemingly caused by the vackseens and they shut right down. They don’t want to hear that the vackseens may be harming them because the thought of it is simply too horrible to consider.
The end result is that they now know how ineffective the vackseens are, but they still don’t know how dangerous they are.
But what if they found out? What would happen if the governments of the world commandeered the mainstream media and told everybody, in unambiguous terms, that they were wrong, and they’ve been poisoning people for years?
I’ll tell you what would happen.
There are three types of people in the world. Each type would be affected differently should they finally hear from the government that the vaccines are neither safe nor effective.
The first type is people who never received a COVID vackseen. We’re going to be angry but at least we saw it coming.
The second type is people who willingly got vacksinated (many multiple times). They’re going to be really angry because they made decisions based on misinformation and blindly followed a government that was poisoning them the entire time.
The third type…well…those are the people you don’t want to mess with. They’re the ones who got vacksinated because they were coerced into doing so. Most of these people knew the risks associated with the drugs and would have preferred not to have taken them.
But they allowed themselves to be injected with the experimental drug because, in most cases, they didn’t have a choice. When the forced-jabbed hear the truth from their governments, they’re going to be very, very angry.
So, pretty much every person on the planet is going to be some amount of angry. Some more so than others. Some much more so.
Eight billion angry people.
Many of those eight billion people can’t do anything to express their anger. So, let’s remove the very young and elderly from the equation. That still leaves us with five and a half billion people between eighteen and seventy years old.
That’s five and a half billion outraged people.
What happens next is going to be anything but “mostly peaceful”.
Millions will immediately be in danger. Every politician, doctor, “expert” and talking head that promoted the vackseens will immediately have a target on their back. Many will soon die “suddenly” but not so much “unexpectedly”. The angry mob, billions of people strong, will demand justice. And more than a few won’t be willing to wait.
If you’re one of the people who have been a shill for Big Pharma, here’s a tip for you. You’ve probably made a ton of money and figure you’ll just hire your own private security and go hide out until this blows over.” You should know this: there is no amount of private security you could hire and no place you could hide that would keep you safe. And how could you know for sure that the people you’re paying to save your life aren’t instead looking for the first opportunity to end it?
Suicides will skyrocket. We’re already seeing reports of vacksinated people choosing to end their life rather than live with the debilitating injuries caused to them by the vackseens. For every one person who chooses suicide, there are a bunch who are right on the edge. And when those people discover there’s no hope, many of the near-suicidal will become suicidal. And, when not-normally-suicidal people find out that the vackseens can kill you at any time, more than a few will decide they’d rather go out on their own terms.
Even more people are going to die “suddenly and unexpectedly”. Knowing that they’ve been injected with a drug that does more harm than good will clearly cause people stress. Especially when they learn that there’s nothing they can do to reduce their risk. As their stress level rises, their blood pressure is going to go up, they’ll be prone to panic attacks, fatigue and sleep problems, staying awake all night because they’re afraid they won’t wake up in the morning. All this puts a strain on the heart. Combine these newly-weakened hearts with a vackseen that is known to cause heart disease and we’re going to see a huge jump in vackseen-related deaths.
Our medical infrastructure will be overwhelmed by people who have either been damaged by the drugs, or believe they were. About 70% of the global population has received at least one shot. That’s 5.5 billion people. Even if perfectly healthy, a good portion of those 5.5 billion people will assume that every ache and pain is a sure sign that the vackseen is killing them. And they’re going to head to the hospital to make sure they’re not dying. Additionally, there are going to be a lot of unsuccessful suicides requiring medical attention. And don’t forget the people being injured and killed by the angry mobs.
Pharmaceutical companies will be destroyed. After being lied to for years about the vackseens’ safety and effectivness, who do you think people are going to blame? The government for sure but also Big Pharma. Not one pharmaceutical facility in the world will be safe. People are going to demand justice and, since they’ve have been taught that destroying things is an acceptable form of protest, how long do you think it’s going to be before nearly every pharmaceutical office and facility on the planet is burned to the ground?
Drugs will become scarce. With the pharmaceutical industry in tatters, we’ll quickly run out of life-saving drugs. This will put even more strain on an already overwhelmed medical infrastructure resulting in even more deaths.
Target stores will be looted. Well, why not? What’s good for “social justice warriors” is good for “vackseen justice warriors”, isn’t it? And it won’t be just Target. Looting will be everywhere.
Every government in every country will be overthrown within a few weeks. If you think January 6th was a violent insurrection, just you wait until you see what happens when 5 billion people are mad at their governments. It’s going to make January 6th look like an 8th-grade field trip by comparison.
I know what you’re thinking. You’re thinking about Biden’s comment that to overthrow the government, you’re going to need some F-15s. Trust me, that won’t be a problem.
Remember, all those soldiers who were forced to get jabbed. They’re the third type of people I mentioned. The people that were forced to be vacksinated. You know, the very, very angry ones. How likely do you think they are to defend the government that put their lives at risk based on lies and deceit? Not very damn likely. And who controls those F-15s? That’s right, those same soldiers.
And that’s just the beginning. Nearly everything would change, and nothing would ever be the same. Which, if you believe in The Great Reset, was the plan all along.
We’re never going to see governments make an admission of the damage the vackseens have caused. Because they can’t. If the powers that be ever admitted that they were wrong, it would literally be the end of the world as we know it.
The best they can do is ignore, misinform, and obfuscate. You know, exactly what they’ve been doing. Maybe in 75 years or so, when pretty much everyone alive today is dead, will they be able to finally let people know exactly what went on.
Because if the truth came out now, there would indeed be a Great Reset. Just not in the way that anyone intended.