
At Least One

How many women have to die before men are banned from competing against them in sports?  I’m serious.  How many women must die before this radical desire for inclusivity ends?

Let’s see if we can figure out what that number is.

Without a doubt, a woman is going to die because she was forced to compete against a man.  It’s going to happen.  It’s just a matter of when.  There have already been some close calls.

Take, for example, Payton McNabb.  Payton was a high school volleyball player in North Carolina.  Earlier this year, she got hit in the head by a ball spiked by a male who was allowed to play on the girls’ team.  The ball hit her with such violent force, she was knocked unconscious.

She could have been killed by the impact.  Instead, Payton suffered a concussion and serious neck injuries.  She still has impaired vision, headaches, and partial paralysis on the right side of her body.  Her ability to learn, comprehend and retain memories has also been impaired.  She may never fully recover.

But hey, at least the dude who nailed her in the head with the volleyball didn’t get his feelings hurt.

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Let’s Do the Math

Volleyball players get hit in the head all the time.  Even girl volleyball players.  That’s not news.  But those balls are usually hit at them by other girls. 

Why is that important?  It’s important because of a little thing called muscle memory.  Muscle memory is a shortcut that allows athletes to react faster.  After you’ve seen the same thing thousands of times, your body automatically reacts before you even have time to think about what you’re doing.

Why is muscle memory important?  Let’s take a look.

The reaction time required for even amateur sports is incredibly short.  The average high school girls’ volleyball player can spike the ball at a speed of around 35 MPH.  That means the ball is travelling about 50 feet per second.  Assuming the defender is 10 feet away from the net, from the time the ball is spiked, the defender has about two tenths of a second to move into position to return the ball.

And that’s just not possible.  That’s where muscle memory kicks in.  Subconsciously, she sees the spike coming and automatically starts moving to where she’s moved to a thousand times before.

Except, one day, that didn’t work.

Volleyball is a projectile sport.  Like any projectile, the more force used to deliver a volleyball, the faster it will travel and the harder it will hit.  And high school boys, on average, spike a volleyball at around 45 miles an hour.  That’s nearly 30% faster than the fastest spike Payton had probably ever seen.

When the volleyball was spiked, two things happened.  The first thing that happened was Payton’s muscle memory kicked in and she started moving.  But, she moved to the wrong place.  Because, subconsciously, she moved to where she thought the ball would be.  That is, where the ball would be if it were hit by a girl.

The next thing that happened was that the ball got to where it was going faster and harder than it should have in a girls’ volleyball game.  And the “where” it was going was exactly where Payton’s head was.

And it knocked her out cold.

Like I said, she could easily have been killed.  Instead, she was just seriously injured.  But I guess that’s OK.

Let’s look at another example. 

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100% Male

Ash Davis is a guy in Canada who plays rugby.  At his league’s 2022 awards banquet, Ash was named “Men’s Hardest Hitter” for the brutal hits he delivered against his male competition.  He “identifies” as non-binary.  Which means that he can claim he’s a man one day and a woman the next. 

The thing about “non-binary” Ash is that still he has his full male compliment of testosterone, muscle mass and aggressiveness.  He hasn’t had any surgery, nor is he taking any kind of female hormones that would potentially reduce his physical advantage.

Which wouldn’t be a big deal except that Rugby Canada, the governing body for the sport, allows players to participate as the gender they are pretending to be.  Which means that a man like Ash, who is a 100% unaltered human male, is allowed to play in the women’s league just because he feels like it.

And that’s what he did.  For the 2023 season, he decided that playing rugby made him feel all lady-like, so he elected to play in the women’s league instead of the men’s league where he belongs. 

During a game in June, he injured three female competitors so badly they were required to leave the game.  These three women players were all injured as a result of being dump tackled.

Yeah, I’m not familiar with rugby either, so I had to look up what the heck a “dump tackle” is.  A dump tackle is essentially a body slam.  The man designated as 2022’s “Men’s Hardest Hitter” lifted three women up off their feet and then violently slammed them into the turf.

Men are typically taller and stronger than women.  I don’t think anyone would argue against that point.  So, when Ash picked up these women and threw them to the ground, he lifted them higher, and slammed them to the ground with more force than any woman could.

And it could have killed them.  But it didn’t.  Instead, the women were only injured.  Injured enough that they had to be removed from the game.  But I guess that’s OK.

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The Answer is…

There’s a familiar rallying cry used by the Left whenever they want to ban something.  I call it the “One Life” argument.  It goes like this:

If it can save at least one life, we must ban guns.

If it can save at least one life, we must abolish the death penalty.

If it can save at least one life, we must make everyone get an experimental jab.

If it can save at least one life, we must defund the police.

If it can save at least one life, we must outlaw lawn darts.

You get the idea.

What I don’t understand is why they’re not applying this logic to prevent men from playing women’s sports.  If it can save at least one life, we must protect female sports.

The day will come, and mark my words, it’s not that far away, when a woman is going to end up dead because she was forced to compete against a man. 

And her death will have been completely preventable. 

Countless women and girls have been seriously injured after being forced to compete against men.  You’d think that alone would be enough to get people on the Left to rethink their position.  But it isn’t.

So, what’s it going to take?  How many women must die before safeguards are put back in place to protect female athletes?  The answer is obvious.

At least one.

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Mike is just an average guy with a lot of opinions. He's a big fan of facts, logic and reason and uses them to try to make sense of the things he sees. His pronoun preference is flerp/flop/floop.