
Deep Dive #1

I’ve come across a few things recently that I felt deserved a closer look.  Here are two:

New Amsterdam

You may have seen a video that popped up recently.  It showed a scene from the television show “New Amsterdam” where one of the main characters was claiming that a boy’s stomach tumor was caused by racism.  In the scene, there was another doctor in the background who, apparently, no one else could see, telling everyone how that theory was bullshit.

I watched the first season or two of New Amsterdam, until it started promoting the COVID nonsense of how it was deadlier than the plague.  But I didn’t remember that particular episode.

It sort of looked to me like the audio had been dubbed over with the original words replaced with this woke nonsense.  There’s no way this could be real.  Right?  I mean, the rabid left has said some really crazy things.  But blaming the formation of a tumor on bigotry seems like a stretch, even for them.

There were comments from other people claiming that this was obviously fake.  But I had to know for sure.  So, I did some digging.

Sad But True

The scene was from season 2, episode 14 titled “Sabbath”.  At about the 10-minute mark you’ll see the scene from the video.  Minus, that is, the guy in the background.  You know, the only person in the video actually making any sense.

And yes, the audio was real, as was the ridiculous claim that the boy’s tumor was caused by systemic racism.

So, technically, the video was fake.  Because the sole voice of reason wasn’t actually in the scene.  But the rest of it?  Yeah, unfortunately it’s real.  And it’s just another example of Hollywood using its reach to push a liberal agenda.

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All Lives Matter

The second item I want to highlight is an article from the Daily Mail about a girl in the first grade at an elementary school in Orange County, California.   The girl is being referred to in court documents as “B.B.”.  B.B. got into trouble at school for giving her friend a picture she drew that said, essentially, “all lives matter”.

This is another one of those things that sounds too ridiculous to be true.  So, I dug a bit deeper.  Although this just made the rounds on the Internet last week, it actually happened a couple years ago.  So it was fairly easy to find additional information on the topic.

My source is the Northern California Record.  The Northern California Record proports to be unbiased.  I can’t say that they are, but the information they present appears to be written in a way to present the facts and not push some sort of agenda.  I also used Fox Digital as a source since they actually spoke to B.B.’s mom.

Here’s what happened.

Black Lives Mater

The class had recently learned about MLK, Jr. and B.B. wanted to do something nice for her black friend, identified as “M.C.”. 

So, six-year-old B.B. drew a picture that said, “Black Lives Mater” (sic) along with four different colored ovals that represented B.B., M.C. and two of her other friends.  Beneath the words “Black Lives Mater”, B.B. has written “any life”.  Which, as we all know, is true.

Here’s where the Daily Mail’s article goes astray.  Their source was the San Francisco Chronical, one of the most Liberal papers in the country.  They also appear to have made up other points not referenced in the original article.

The Daily Mail, and the San Francisco Chronical both claim M.C.’s parents insisted that the school take action to address the issue.  Their articles make M.C.’s mom appear as a deranged leftist lunatic who demanded the school punish B.B.

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What really happened what that M.C. took the picture home.  Her mom saw it and reached out to the school to make sure there wasn’t anything hinky going on.  Which there wasn’t. 

M.C.’s parents recognized the act as what it was, an innocent attempt by one friend to show her support for another.  Court documents state the mom specifically requested that the classmate who drew the picture not receive any type of punishment.

With the exception of contacting the school about something she knew was an innocent act, M.C.’s mom handled this the right way.  And, if the school administrators had acted reasonably, even that wouldn’t have been a big deal.

But the school had other ideas.

Government Knows Best

B.B. was told by the principal that her actions were both racist and inappropriate.  Though it’s unlikely she even knew what being a racist meant.  She was forced to publicly apologize to M.C., was barred from drawing pictures and giving them to her classmates and, allegedly, was prohibited from participating in recess for two weeks.

But there’s more to the story. 

The school didn’t mention any of this to B.B.’s mom.  In fact, she found out a year later when another parent mentioned it to her.  When her mom asked her why she didn’t say anything, B.B. said, “Because I got in so much trouble at school, I didn’t want to get in trouble at home.”

The school came down so hard on a little girl she was scared into not telling her mother.  Instead of being able to lean on her parents for support, she had to work through a difficult situation on her own.

B.B.’s mom, Chelsea Boyle, sued the school district for violating B.B.’s first amendment rights.

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No 1A for You!

U.S. District Judge David O. Carter decided that first graders don’t have first amendment rights and ruled in favor of the school district.  He said that an elementary school isn’t a “marketplace of ideas” and therefore her speech isn’t protected.

Let me see if I’ve got this straight.  A six-year-old doesn’t have First Amendment rights in school.  So, essentially, her opinion doesn’t matter.

But, if B.B. had claimed that she believed she was a boy, then suddenly her opinion would matter, and, being in California, the school must immediately go into “affirmation mode”.  Even more egregious, because of the law that Gavin Newsome just signed, the school isn’t required to tell the kid’s parents what they’re up to.

I’m pretty sure that once you encourage kids to claim that they’re the opposite gender, the “marketplace of ideas” ship has already sailed.

Maybe it’s just me, but it seems like the principal of the school should have called B.B.’s parents before he humiliated her in front of her classmates and called her a racist. 

B.B. was punished and forced to apologize for offending her friend.  Even though the friend wasn’t hurt or offended.  It’s likely that neither girl even considered the race of the other one.  Until they were forced to.

Anyone with an ounce of sense could see that this is just a case of childhood innocence.  And, apparently, we can’t have any of that.  So, the Liberal school in California did what Liberal schools everywhere do. 

They should have celebrated a selfless act of inclusivity.  Instead, they crushed the spirit of a little girl who dared say that all lives matter.

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Mike is just an average guy with a lot of opinions. He's a big fan of facts, logic and reason and uses them to try to make sense of the things he sees. His pronoun preference is flerp/flop/floop.