
The Farce Side

The actions of the Secret Service in response to the attempted assassination of President Trump is a textbook example of…well…of what not to do.  In fact, I would be surprised if it’s not eventually used in textbooks when training new agents.

This is also seemingly a good example of Murphy’s Law in action.  You know, anything that can go wrong, will go wrong.

I’ve said this before, and I’ll say it again.  I am not a security professional.  In fact, I have no training whatsoever in personal protection.  But even I could have come up with a better plan than they did.

Lone Wolf Detection

I don’t fault the FBI or the Secret Service for not anticipating that a particular person might be a danger.  It’s nearly impossible to identify someone who works entirely alone and shows no indication that they’re planning anything.  Of course, the same thing can be said of someone who was part of a conspiracy and had tons of help.

But in either case, once they identify someone as at least someone who deserves a second look, they can no longer claim ignorance or innocence.

Just after the shooting, we were amazed to discover that an untrained 20-year-old could somehow manage to get his way on top of the closest building to Donald Trump.

Amazed, astounded, flabbergasted, gobsmacked…

We should have saved “amazed” for later.  Because since then, we’ve learned:

  • Law enforcement was aware of this guy more than an hour before the President was shot. 
  • Snipers weren’t stationed on the roof where the shooting took place because of safety concerns due to the roof having a slight slope.
  • So, snipers were stationed inside the building and told to look and possibly shoot through the narrow windows.
  • One of the in-building snipers saw the shooter and felt he was acting so strangely that he took a picture of him and reported his observation up the chain of command.
  • The shooter was observed using a rangefinder by law enforcement.
  • The Secret Service isn’t responsible for security outside the perimeter.  That responsibility lies with the local police.
  • Nuh-uh, it’s not the responsibility of the local police, it’s the responsibility of the Secret Service.
  • Apparently, the local police is rubber and the Secret Service is glue.
  • The overwatch snipers literally had the shooter in their sights for over 20 minutes, yet he somehow managed to fire off eight rounds before, what are presumably some of the best snipers in the world, were able to take him out.
  • Trump wasn’t immediately picked up by the agents and carried off the stage.  Yeah, the photos are awesome, but they should have never happened.

This is by no means an exhaustive list. 

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Thank God for Local Law Enforcement

I could see one or two of these things happening.  But all of them happening at the same time?  That’s just too much of a coincidence for me to believe.

It seems that the only people who did their job right that day were law enforcement personnel NOT associated with the Secret Service. 

The rooftop snipers, presumably Secret Service, were looking at the shooter through their scopes.   They had to know that the shooter was armed and positioned in a threatening manner.  There is no way they couldn’t have known.

There was no reason for local law enforcement to have to breach the roof.  And yet they did anyway.  Forcing the shooter to re-acquire his target undoubtedly helped save Trump’s life.

The Director of the Secret Service hasn’t given an explanation but said of Trump’s shooting, “It was unacceptable and something that shouldn’t happen again.”

Really.  Of course it shouldn’t happen again.  It shouldn’t have happened in the first place.  I’d feel much more comfortable with her still having a job if she had said, “it won’t happen again.” 

Murphy’s Law on Steroids

Murphy’s Law says that anything that can go wrong, will go wrong.  But how do you explain it when EVERYTHING goes wrong?

Well, there are two possible explanations. 

The first is gross incompetence.  In today’s environment of participation trophies and DEI hiring, that’s a definite possibility.

So, plain old incompetence could explain it.  But there were so many mistakes and blunders.  I don’t think they could have made more mistakes if they had tried.

And that’s the other explanation.

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This is the “Farce” Part

The rally happened after intelligence chatter about a possible assassination attempt being planned by Iran.  The Secret Service claimed that, in light of the threat, they had increased the security on Trump for the event.  But I’m pretty sure that moving the “A” team over to Jill Biden’s event that was scheduled for the same day doesn’t qualify as “increasing security”.

In any case, the Secret Service wasn’t expecting a 20-year-old local boy.  They were expecting a trained assassin funded by Iran.  Security was planned to stop an Iranian assassination attempt. 

Or, facilitate one.

The Deep State didn’t have to collude with anyone.  They just had to create an opportunity for Iran to succeed and then stand back and watch it happen.  So, they cancelled the air support and scaled down the participation by local law enforcement thinking that would be enough.

But Iran never showed up.  A local 20-year-old did.

However, the Secret Service didn’t know he was a local kid.  For all they knew, he was just a particularly unskilled Iranian assassin. 

So, they kept an eye on this for-all-they-knew-Iranian-assassin and pretended to ignore him as he did one ridiculously obvious thing after another.

“Mistakes” Happen

When they realized that the “C” team could still stop the dude walking around with a rangefinder, they made a few “mistakes”.  When those weren’t enough, they kept making “mistakes” until finally the shooter bumbled his way to the roof.  Then, they waited 20 minutes for him to start shooting.

So, there was no connection between the shooter and anyone else.  Because that particular shooter wasn’t supposed to be there.  An Iranian assassin was supposed to be there.  The people conspiring to kill President Trump simply got lucky.  Well…almost.

Now, about that theory about a second shooter…I have a theory about that too.

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The Second Shooter Theory

What’s bothered me from the start is that the kid managed to hit Trump with his first shot.  The rest of his shots didn’t even come close.  Add to that the fact that he had to quicky turn around and reacquire his target after being interrupted by the local police, and it becomes even stranger.

But, what if Iran did show up?  What if they were watching the kid and watching the Secret Service’s attempts to make getting on that roof so easy even an untrained idiot could do it?  Iran could have had people pretending to be Trump supporters wandering around the event watching the whole thing.

After a while, they either got tired of waiting or decided that eventually the Secret Service would run out of ways to pretend they didn’t see the kid.  That’s when Iran’s sniper saw an opportunity and took his shot.  The first shot.  The one that almost killed Trump.  And that’s when the local boy started pulling the trigger and emptied his magazine.

As for why they didn’t find the second shooter?  That’s because they weren’t supposed to.

It’s Not a Crazy Idea

Which of these explanations seems the most likely to you?

Having people in the Secret Service behind this isn’t a crazy idea.  We’ve had the FBI cover up Hunter’s laptop and fabricate a classified docs case against Trump.  We’ve seen the CIA fake evidence of Trump’s supposed “Russian collusion”.  We’ve watched Homeland Security abandon our borders, and we’ve seen the entire Justice Department target Trump with lawfare.

It’s not a huge leap to believe that the Secret Service could have been involved in a plot to get President Trump killed.  It just wasn’t the plot they thought they were involved in.

I’m not saying that’s what happened.  I’m just saying that stranger things have occurred.

I’ll go one step further.  Within seven months of January 6th, four officers who had responded to the “violent insurrection” committed suicide.

Definitely Need Air Quotes Here

If we start to see participants of last Saturday’s debacle start to commit “suicide” or have fatal “accidents”, that’s a pretty good indication that the assassination attempt on Trump’s life was something other than just bad luck.  And it’s a clear indication that someone is making sure the truth never comes out. 

I predict that we’re going to see some “suicides” and “accidents” happen well before the election.

This was either a case of extreme incompetence, or a case of someone throwing around enough money to buy off the people who made this happen.  If only there was a way to tell which it is.

I think I found a clue:

In addition to the nonsense about sloped roofs, the Director of the Secret Service also said in an interview that the buck stops with her. 

Yup.  That explains everything.

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Mike is just an average guy with a lot of opinions. He's a big fan of facts, logic and reason and uses them to try to make sense of the things he sees. His pronoun preference is flerp/flop/floop.