
Truth, Justice and the American Way

In 1942, the phrase “Truth, Justice and the American Way” was first used in the radio serial “Superman” as a way of showing support for the American military during World War II.

I know, I know, it was created as a catchy slogan for a radio show.  But I think it does a pretty good job of describing what we’re all about.

Truth is simple to define.  Truth is just statements that can be backed up with facts.

Justice is similarly easy to define.  Essentially, it’s equal parts “let the punishment fit the crime” and “you do the crime, you do the time”.

But what is the American Way?  That’s a little more difficult to put your finger on.  At its core, the American Way is what makes Americans…well… American.  It’s a commonsense belief in law and order and personal accountability, and that everyone should have an equal opportunity to succeed.

Let me tell you what the American Way isn’t.  The American Way is not about grown men parading naked in front of young kids.  It’s not about allowing books in public school libraries that are too obscene to be read in a school board meeting.  And it’s not about accepting responsibility for student loans that other people were stupid enough to agree to.

And that’s why this upcoming election is so important.  Because this November, we’re fighting for Truth, Justice and the American Way.

Well.  Not quite.

We’ve already lost Truth.

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Many people already believe that there is no such thing as “the” truth.  Instead, they want to talk about “their” truth, which is really nothing more than their opinion.  And yet we’re expected to treat their opinion as the truth.  And if you don’t, there will be hell to pay.

Many people also believe that a man can become a woman.  Which in itself wouldn’t be a problem except the rest of us are being forced to speak nonsense and reinforce the delusions of obviously mentally ill people.

When we stated the obvious fact, a.k.a. “the truth”, that a man chopping off his dick and pumping his body full of female hormones won’t make him a woman, they tried to change the definition of the word “woman”.  

For millennium, the word male has meant “man”, and the word “female” has meant “woman”.  But now we’re expected to pretend that they don’t.  Even worse, when we continue to speak the truth instead of their truth, we’re cancelled for not being tolerant. 

And don’t forget that when we pointed out that those “safe and effective” drugs weren’t actually vaccines, they just changed the definition of what a vaccine is.

The Truth is Not Out There

The press, which is supposed to wield the power of the First Amendment to protect the truth, has teamed up with corrupt Liberal politicians to spread whatever narrative they believe will further their cause.

Remember the claim that racist white cops were out “hunting” black men?  Not true.  And the proliferation of that lie cost dozens of lives and billions of dollars in damages.

It’s getting increasingly harder to even find the truth.  The government has worked to suppress Conservative ideas on social media while so-called “fact checkers” are anything but.

People have been force-fed “Russian Collusion”, “Trump is a racist”, “safe and effective” and “Biden is the sharpest he’s ever been” when, in fact, none of those things were even the slightest bit true.

But things that are true, like Hillary fabricating evidence against Trump, Hunter’s laptop and the uncountable number of people dead or damaged from vackseens that aren’t actually vaccines go completely unmentioned.

And now we’ve got candidates for President and Vice President claiming that Trump will install himself as a dictator and is an “existential threat to democracy”.  Neither of which is true.  But the press dutifully repeats those lies until the weak-minded believe it.

The corrupt press isn’t even trying to hide their misdeeds anymore.  They turned on Joe faster than a New York minute when doing so furthered their cause.  And now that Kamala is the Chosen One, they’re literally erasing any mention of her being the most useless Vice President that has ever been.

We’ve already lost the battle for Truth.  This November, we’re fighting for Justice and the American Way.

Well.  Not quite.  Because we’ve already lost Justice.

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We have a two-tier justice system in the United States.  There’s one set of rules for Liberals, and a different set of rules for Conservatives. 

Don’t believe me?  Just take a look at the difference between how “violent insurrectionists” and “mostly peaceful protesters” are treated.  One group gets thrown in prison without a trial and the other group gets arrested, then immediately released on bail with money provided by an organization supported by Kamala Harris.

Local District Attorneys are refusing to prosecute criminals, instead running a catch-and-release program to quickly put violent offenders back on the streets to commit even more crimes. 

The DOJ is NFG

The entire Justice department has been weaponized to attack anyone who dares to disagree with the Liberal agenda.

When classified documents were found at Mar-a-Lago, Trump was prosecuted beyond the fullest extent of the law.  But when boxes of classified documents were found in Biden’s garage, well, that was just a mistake caused by a feeble old man.

Donald Trump has been fighting legal battles for years against exaggerated charges brought by his opponents attempting to use Lawfare and a partisan court system to keep him out of the White House.  The law was twisted to skirt around the long-expired statute of limitations on something that nobody is ever prosecuted for.

Last week, Tulsi Gabbard, a former United States Representative, did an interview where she spoke out against Kamala Harris.  In what is either an act of an extreme abuse of power or a remarkable coincidence, the very next day she was placed on the domestic terrorist watch list and has no less than 10 agents, including three Air Marshalls plus two canines, assigned to follow her wherever she goes.

And now there’s talk of amnesty for the tens of millions of illegal aliens who broke our laws the very instant they stepped foot in our country.  Kamala said in 2019 amnesty for illegals would be the first thing she did on day one if elected president.

Where’s the justice for Laken Riley?  Or Jocelyn Nungaray?  Or anyone else killed by illegal aliens who should have never been allowed to cross the border? 

Justice, in America, is a thing of the past.

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The American Way

We’ve already lost Truth and Justice.  We’re fighting for all we have left…the American Way.  And we’re one election away from losing that.

According to the Democratic candidate for Vice President, Tim Walz, “One person’s Socialism is another person’s neighborliness.”  Let me tell you something Tim, helping someone change a flat tire is being neighborly.  Guaranteeing equality of outcome is Communism.

The Democrats have made no secret of their desire to completely dismantle America and “build back better”.  Which I guess makes them on track if you believe making a sport out of a man beating a woman senseless is somehow “better”.  Or letting tens of millions of illegal aliens into our country is good for America and its citizens.

There is no Superman here to save us.  But we do have Donald Trump.  We can get our country back on track by returning him to the White House. 

If we can do that, Donald Trump will save the American Way.  And when that happens, Truth and Justice will return.

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Mike is just an average guy with a lot of opinions. He's a big fan of facts, logic and reason and uses them to try to make sense of the things he sees. His pronoun preference is flerp/flop/floop.