
Much Ado About Nothing

On election night, around 11:00pm local time, I along with tens of millions of other Americans, breathed a heavy sigh of relief.  Because at that moment, it became mathematically impossible for Kamala Harris to be elected President.

When I woke up the next morning, the day seemed just a little bit brighter, the air smelled fresher, the sky seemed bluer and my heart was filled with…well, I was going to say “joy”, but that word has been ruined for me.  So instead, I’ll say instead that I was, for the first time in four years, content.

In my opinion, the world is much better off without Kamala as President.  And I’m not saying that because I’m afraid of having a woman as President.  I have no problem with a female President. 

Just not that female.

I don’t think there has ever been a candidate less qualified to be President.  And my opinion has nothing to do with her being a woman.  A bad candidate is a bad candidate, regardless of what chromosomes they have.  I base my opinion on the single fact that Kamala Harris as dumb as a stump.

Stupid is as Stupid Does

I heard one of the liberal talking heads say that if Kamala had been a 6-foot four white guy, everyone would be treating her differently.

That’s not true.  Any candidate of any race and size as stupid as Kamala would be an equally poor candidate.  Dan Quayle is six feet tall (the extra four inches aren’t relevant) and, had he run for President, he would have made as bad of a candidate as Kamala.  There’s no doubt Bill Clinton would have beaten Day Quayle even worse than he defeated Bob Dole.

Kamala is an excellent example of someone being promoted beyond their level of competence.  She had no business being the Attorney General of California, a Senator or Vice President of the United States.  She’s also proof that one needn’t be particularly good at what they do to be promoted into increasingly more powerful positions.

So, now I’m left wondering how many other extremely stupid people are currently holding positions of power at the local, state and federal level.

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The thing I can’t get my head around is how many people actually voted for her.  I mean, I could sort of understand the people who voted against Trump.  At least that makes a little sense.  There are millions of people who have completely drunk the “Trump is a misogynistic racist” hoax. 

The media has been reinforcing the “orange man bad” lie for nearly 10 years.  And Kamala turned up the anti-Trump rhetoric to eleven during the last few weeks of her campaign.  So, I expected to hear that Kamala’s supporters would have voted for anything with a pulse, as long as it wasn’t Trump.

But I don’t understand the tens of millions of people who voted, not against Trump, but for Kamala. 

The scariest thing about the election was how close Kamala came to being President.  The second scariest thing is how easily people were persuaded to completely reverse their beliefs.

The Worst There’s Ever Been

Before the Trump/Biden debate on June 28th, there was talk about replacing Kamala on the Biden ticket.  It was largely believed that she would decrease Biden’s chances of a second term.  Everyone, and I mean everyone, knew she was an idiot and unfit to be a heartbeat away from the Presidency.

Then the Liberal media machine fired up.  Kamala spent more than a billion dollars on her campaign.  I’d argue that the free, 100% positive, exposure she received from the Liberal media is easily worth several billion more.

Because of this, in the span of just a week or two, the “safe and effective” and “men can become women” believers suddenly also believed that Kamala was the chosen one.  They believed in her and her policies for no other reason than they were told to do so. 

The fact that tens of millions of Americans can be that easily duped is something we should all be afraid of.

Turn the Page

So, what’s next for Kamala?

One possibility I’ve heard bantered about is that the 25th Amendment will be invoked to remove Biden from office. 

There are two reasons why the Democrats would pull off another coup and insert Kamala as President.

The first reason is because Joe is no longer capable of governing our country.  This won’t be why they’d do it.  If that were the case, it would have happened months or even years ago.  Removing Biden from office because he no longer has the capacity to govern would make sense.  That’s how I know that wouldn’t be why they’d do it.

The second reason is to give Kamala the honor of being the first female President.  This is a terrible idea. 

It’s true that she’s unqualified, but she’d probably make no worse of a President than Biden does.  And she could coast through the next couple of months with few issues.  That’s just because the rest of the world is already falling in line because Trump will be back in office in January.  So, it’s unlikely she’d do much damage between now and January 20th.  At least no more damage than Joe would do.

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I think making Kamala the first female President would lose the Democrats even more voters.  Because allowing an idiot to have the honor would be a slap in the face of women who actually deserve it.  That would be like a supercharged version of allowing men to compete in women’s supports and take medals and scholarships from the women and girls who rightfully deserve them.

There are a lot of people who voted against Trump, not for the Democrat’s insane Liberal policies.  Anointing Kamala as the first female President would likely turn them entirely away from the Democratic party.

There will be a female President in the not-too-distant future.  And there are a lot of smart, strong and capable women who would make an excellent President. I have no problem with the idea of a female President.  I do have a problem with Kamala.

Justice Kamala

Another possible future for Kamala is a seat on the Supreme Court.  This is a worse idea than letting her be President for a couple of months. 

Installing Kamala on the Supreme Court would mean we’d be stuck dealing with her for at least a couple of decades.

She would make a terrible Justice.  We’ve seen decades of her making ridiculously bad decisions.  There is no reason to believe that she’s going to spontaneously start using some common sense.  It’s more likely that she’d become even more Liberal in her beliefs as the years go by. 

During her time as California Attorney General, she showed a complete disdain for both the First and Second Amendments and has a track record of being pro-censorship and anti-gun while simultaneously reducing punishments for violent offenders.

And don’t forget how she lied practically every time she opened her mouth over the past few months.  I don’t know about you, but I think being honest should be a requirement for a Supreme Court justice.

The Left is trying to convince Justice Sotomayor to step down and allow Biden to name a replacement.  Folks on the left want that replacement to be Kamala.

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I’ve never been a big fan of Sonia Sotomayor, but she’s much better than Kamala would be.  Besides, if there were to be an opening on the bench, clearly there must be better candidates for the position than Kamala.

And, if the goal is to simply put another black-ish woman on the court, there has to be hundreds of black women more deserving of the role.

Ideally, the Supreme Court is non-partisan.  We all know that doesn’t end up being the case.  Do we really want a know-nothing airhead puppet on the Supreme Court?  Someone behind the scenes pulled a lot of strings to get Kamala named as Biden’s successor.  Should Kamala end up on the Court, there’s no reason to doubt she’d continue to just say whatever she’s told to say by whomever is paying her to say it.

Hit the Road, Kamala

The world is lucky that Kamala Harris lost her bid to be President of the United States because she is woefully unqualified for the position.  Just like she’s unqualified for her current position, and for pretty much every job she’d had since leaving high school.  OK, she might have been qualified for a job at McDonald’s, if she’d ever had a job at McDonald’s.

And its lies just like her fictitious job at Micky D’s that convince me she’s not qualified to be a Supreme Court justice either. 

Yes, the world is extremely lucky that Kamala didn’t win the election.

High up on my list of favorite things that resulted from Trump’s victory is that, in a couple of weeks, I’m never going to have to hear the name “Tim Walz” again.  I hope in a few weeks I’ll be able to say the same thing about Kamala as she quietly fades into obscurity. 

And I hope, after President Trump fixes all the damage done to our country over the last four years, that my heart can once again be filled with joy.

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Mike is just an average guy with a lot of opinions. He's a big fan of facts, logic and reason and uses them to try to make sense of the things he sees. His pronoun preference is flerp/flop/floop.