

I’m really glad I’m not a Liberal.  I don’t think I could do it.  It’s simply too much work.  Having to wake up every morning and spend your day disagreeing with everything said by Donald Trump must be exhausting.

What kind of a life would you have if your only reaction is to disagree with anything said by the Right, no matter how much it makes sense?

But don’t despair.  I’m here to help.  Let’s see if we can find some common ground.  Once we find one thing we can agree on, I’m sure others will follow. 

Oh, I realize that nobody who listens to my stuff leans even the slightest bit to the left.  But maybe one person from the Left will stumble upon this and accidentally hear what I have to say.  So, I’m going to talk to that person for a bit.

And I want to talk about immigration.

But not the type of immigration where someone files the right paperwork and then waits their turn to legally enter our country. 

Let’s talk about illegal immigration.  You know, the kind where someone breaks the law by entering our country illegally.

We’re all Americans and, presumably, we’re all interested in what’s best for our country.  We should be able to find some common ground here.  Right?

Let’s Start with a Softball

Let’s start with something easy.

Can we agree that any illegal alien who commits a crime that results in death or serious bodily injury should be jailed?  That seems reasonable to me.  It should seem reasonable to anyone.

You don’t agree?  You know it’s a real thing don’t you?  It’s not hypothetical.  Multiple, actually, I think by now it’s safe to say “many” people, have been killed by people who are in this country illegally.

Don’t believe me?  How about if you ask the mother of Laken Riley, or the mother of 12-year-old Jocelyn Nungaray.  Or the mothers of Rachel Morin or Kayla Hamilton.  All four young women were killed by people who weren’t even supposed to be here.

In fact, this past week Trump signed into law the Laken Riley Act.  Had that law been in effect during the Biden years, it would have prevented all four deaths from happening.  The new law mandates the federal detention of illegal immigrants who are accused of theft, burglary, assaulting a law enforcement officer, and any crime that causes death or serious bodily injury.

Surprisingly some people think this is a bad idea.

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Remember your argument about why people should be forced to take an ineffective COVID vackseen they don’t want, or why you think we need another useless gun law.  Your argument is always, “if it saves the life of a single person, it’s worth it.”  You don’t seem to have any problem stomping on the rights of American citizens for the infinitesimally small chance that it will save a single life.

So why doesn’t that logic apply here?  After all, the death of every single person killed by illegal aliens is 100% preventable.  

Strike One

And yet, you don’t agree with the Laken Riley Act.  I guess that’s unsurprising since 156 House Democrats voted against the bill.  There were thirteen Democrats who chose not to vote, so I’m going to count them as “nays” because if you don’t vote for something, you’re by default voting against it. 

That means out of 211 Democrats, 80% of them voted against a law that would have prevented the deaths of American Citizens, including Laken, Jocelyn, Morin, and Kayla.  And you agree with them.

Many who voted against the law believe we should provide a path to citizenship for those here illegally.  Well, guess what?  We already have a path for them.  All they have to do is go back home, fill out the right forms, and wait their turn. 

OK.  Let’s try something a little easier.  Can we at least agree that anyone in this country illegally who commits a serious crime, should be immediately deported?  Surely no one wants violent criminals in their neighborhoods.  By sending the criminals back to where they belong, everyone will be safer.  Right? 

And it’s not like they’ll be in jail.  That is, unless their home country decides to jail them.  Which isn’t our problem.

I guess it’s not surprising that you don’t agree with that either.  Kristi Noem and Tom Homan have made it their mission to immediately track down, arrest, and deport violent criminals who have entered this country illegally.  ICE will be doing all the heavy lifting.  Local authorities just need to sit back and watch their cities get safer.

Every murder, rape, assault, burglary and car accident committed by illegal aliens is completely preventable.  We only need to make sure the bad guys aren’t here to do any of those bad things.  It really is that simple.

You’d Have to be Crazy to Disagree

But mayors and governors of blue cities and states have vowed to do whatever they can to stop ICE from deporting dangerous criminals in their areas.  They have, after all, declared themselves to be sanctuaries.

I know what you’re thinking.  You’re wondering why ICE isn’t raiding red cities and states.  Isn’t it obvious?   The reason ICE is focusing on blue cities and states is because that’s where the violent illegal aliens are.  Their self-proclaimed “sanctuary” status has made them a safe place for these violent criminals to hide.  So that’s where they went.

So now we have cities flooded with the worst of the worst and you’re objecting to sending them back home.  It’s easy to be against something when it doesn’t affect you.  I don’t think you’d be so quick to throw your support behind violent illegal aliens if they were living in your neighborhood.

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Break a Law, Win a Prize

OK. You don’t want illegal aliens jailed, and you don’t want them deported.  How about if we just stop providing them with assistance?  You know, what if we stopped giving them free cell phones, debit cards, health insurance and other things paid for by the American taxpayers?  I’m fairly certain that once we stop giving them free shit, many of them will pack up and go home.

Besides, harboring a fugitive is against the law.  Any organization providing aid and assistance to illegal aliens is committing a crime.  It doesn’t seem reasonable that the United States should be making it easier for illegal aliens to stay in the country.  Does it?

You don’t want illegal aliens locked up, you don’t want them sent home, and you want to continue to give them free stuff to make their lives easier.  Can we at least agree that they are here illegally?  I mean, it’s right there in their name.  That’s what the “illegal” part of “illegal aliens” means. 

Oh, I know, up until a few days ago, we were supposed to refer to them as “undocumented”.  But today, we can call them what they are.  Illegal.

No Common Ground

Sadly, on the issue of illegal immigration, people on the left don’t even try to find common ground.  They simply won’t agree with the fact that Biden and his team let millions of people into the country without any vetting of any kind.

They continue to spout the Liberal bullshit that “borders are a social construct” and that if we deport illegal aliens, we won’t have anyone around to pick our crops.

I’m pretty sure that if we needed more farm workers, they could apply for, and quickly receive, a temporary work visa.  Trust me, we can easily get all the farm workers we need.  And they’ll all go back home when the job is done.

I’ve also heard the argument that if Trump brings more manufacturing jobs back to the U.S., we’ll have to import more foreign workers to fill all those new jobs. 

How about if instead we stop giving people useless college degrees in “gender studies” and “art history” and train those people so they have the skills to do actual work?

We have plenty of people in America.  We just don’t have skilled people.  Because an entire generation has been convinced that their feeling of entitlement is “their truth” and they should just sit back and let the rest of us provide for them.

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Lazy is as Lazy Does

I was about to suggest that we repurpose some of the recently-fired Federal workers but that won’t work because you can’t teach someone to have a good work ethic.  Even if you gave these people new skills, they’d still be lazy. 

Anyone can see that Trump is delivering on one of his major campaign promises.  And it’s working. The fact is, there is no good reason to disagree with any of the things Trump has done so far to curb illegal immigration and make America safer.  And yet people disagree anyway. 

I’ve known people whose immediate reaction to anything is to disagree.  I can understand that.  A lot of people are resistant to change.  But typically, these people will think about things a bit, and sometimes, more often than not, come around to the other side of the issue.  Or at least get part of the way there.

But the Left isn’t interested in thinking about the issues.  They’re not interested in thinking about anything.  They’re only interested in fighting against anything President Trump does.  Regardless of whether or not it’s a good idea.

The simple fact is that American citizens are being harmed and killed by people here illegally.  And getting those violent people out of our country should be a priority for everyone.  But the left is more concerned with protecting illegal aliens than making our country a safer place to live.

I guess they just don’t understand that “America First” also means “Americans First”.

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Mike is just an average guy with a lot of opinions. He's a big fan of facts, logic and reason and uses them to try to make sense of the things he sees. His pronoun preference is flerp/flop/floop.