

If you had to choose, which would you rather have, a government you disagree with or a government you can’t trust?

Early last fall, before the election, there was a video circulating of a crazed Liberal with a scary list, well, to her anyway, of what Trump would do if he were elected.  On her list was getting rid of illegal immigration, destroying wokeness, keeping men out of women’s bathrooms, a return to energy independence, putting Elon in charge of digging out government waste, you know, things like that.

It was easy for her to compile the list because was it was comprised of things that Trump was actually making as campaign promises.

I guess the purpose was to generate scorn against Trump and his policies.  And maybe that would work for people on the Left, but anyone else who saw the video thought it would have made a great campaign ad for Trump.  Because the things on the list of bad things, according to Liberals, were also on the list of good things, according to Conservatives.

Just a couple of weeks after Trump has resumed the Presidency, I saw a video of a different Liberal, wailing about what Trump had done in just two weeks.  She says something like, “To all you people who voted for Trump.  You got what you wished for.  I hope you’re happy.”

Well, yeah.  I am happy.  I think everyone who voted for Trump is.

She said it as if we should be concerned with what Trump was doing.  But he’s done exactly what he said he’d do.  Every single thing Trump has done so far, from his cabinet nominations to deporting violent criminals to protecting women’s sports, and yes, to putting Elon in charge of DOGE, is something he promised he’d do if we voted for him.

OK, I really didn’t think he’d rename the Gulf of America, but he does get points for un-renaming Mount McKinley and Fort Bragg.

Ain’t Life Grand?

It’s truly a pleasure hearing the news every day.  The amount of work Trump got done in any single day in the three and a half weeks since he was inaugurated is more than Biden accomplished in his entire four-year term.

We’re lucky that Biden was incompetent because it limited the amount of damage he could do.  Can you imagine how much harm he could have done to our country if he had the strength and stamina of Trump?  I don’t think even Trump could have pulled America back from that.

It’s amazing to see a President actually act presidentially.  For any of you youngsters who just started paying attention to politics, let me assure that what Trump is doing is not normal. 

But, according to the lamestream media, he’s not acting presidentially.  A couple of weeks ago, in one of his many press conferences, while talking about former Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg, Trump said, “He’s just got a good line of bullshit.”

I happen to believe that’s true, but the media started complaining that no other President has used such vulgar language.  Yeah.  As if that’s the story they should be focusing on.

I think it’s refreshing to have a President who says exactly what he’s thinking, and can both talk the talk and walk the walk.

To be fair, Biden had, on occasion, also said exactly what he was thinking.  You know, like the time he said that the Democrats had put together “the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics”.  But I don’t think he meant to use his outside voice.  And not only can’t he walk the walk, he can’t even walk up a flight of stairs.

A Day-One Dictator

In a recent poll by CBS, yeah, I know, nobody should trust polls.  But they’re probably at least directionally correct.  70% of the people polled said that Trump is doing what he promised in his campaign.  30% believe he’s doing something different than what he promised.

I imagine a good number of that 30% voted against Biden and not specifically for Trump.  Their assumption was probably that Trump would be like every other politician and make a lot of empty promises just to get elected, then do something totally different once in office.

But what they didn’t remember is that Trump isn’t a politician.

There was no need to try to infer what Trump was thinking.  He flat out told us what he’d do.  And that’s what he did.  Nobody should be surprised.

The point of all this is that you may not agree with Trump, but you can trust him.  Because, not once has he hidden his agenda from the world.  Nor has he said one thing and done another.

Unless you believed he’d actually make himself a dictator.  Then I guess you could be disappointed. 

Now, back to the question, if I had to choose between two evils, which would I choose?  A government that I disagree with, or a government I can’t trust.

Agree With and Trust

Obviously, the best kind of government is one that you can both agree with and trust.  That’s what Conservatives have now.  It’s what Liberals though they had during the Biden years, but they were mistaken.

I recently saw an infographic showing all the billionaires working in Trump’s administration.  I know it was supposed to scare me, but somehow it had the opposite effect.  I trust Trump to pick the right team, and I trust these people to do what’s right for America. 

Besides, who should I trust more, a billionaire who forgoes his government salary or someone who takes office with no practical net worth and then, magically, just a few years later, has a net worth of tens of millions of dollars?  We see the latter scenario play out all the time.

Disagree With and Trust

The second-best type of government is one you may disagree with but can ultimately trust.  Because, if you don’t agree with your government, having one you can trust is the next best thing.  If you can’t trust the people who were elected to serve you, well, that’s a sorry state of affairs.  Liberals may not agree with Trump, but at least they can trust him to do what he says he’ll do.  Every.  Single. Time.

Disagree With and Can’t Trust

The second-worst kind of government is one you both disagree with and can’t trust.  That’s what Conservatives had for four years.

During Biden’s term, we had to put up with the advancement of the Liberal agenda while being told to accept increasingly bizarre things.  And then we watched the rule of law applied to favor the few. 

I trusted them to secure our borders and defend America.  And I trusted them to spend my tax dollars wisely.  Neither of those two things happened. 

We were told that the economy was the best it had ever been, that Hunter’s laptop was “Russian misinformation” and that the vackseens were “safe and effective”.  We watched as the government pushed false narratives and then censored anyone who dared speak out against them. 

And then, with one foot out the door, Biden pardoned his family and key members of his administration for any crimes they may have committed for over a decade.  A move like that pretty much admits guilt.  Though guilt for what, we’re not entirely sure.  And we may never know.

Agree With but Can’t Trust

And that brings me to the worst type of government, one you agree with but can’t trust.  This is what Liberals had for the last four years.

Conservatives couldn’t trust Biden, but then we didn’t really expect that we could.  However, Liberals couldn’t trust him either.  Because all the lies told to the people who voted for Trump were also told to the people who voted for Biden. 

Except that, because of government censorship and the support of the Liberal media, the people who voted for Biden didn’t realize they were being lied to.

Which means that, instead of having the best type of government, Biden supporters actually had the worst kind of government. They just didn’t know it.

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Mike is just an average guy with a lot of opinions. He's a big fan of facts, logic and reason and uses them to try to make sense of the things he sees. His pronoun preference is flerp/flop/floop.