
Heir Conditioning

If you want to slowly change your environment, you use air conditioning.  But what if you wanted to slowly change an entire country?

Yesterday, I was in the parking lot of our local range, waiting for it to open.  A guy about my age came up and started talking with us.  I could tell from his accent that he wasn’t from around here, so I asked him where he was from.  He said that he is Russian by birth but is an American citizen.  He came to the United States nearly 40 years ago.  He then said, “I can see where we are headed because I’ve been there before.”

He went on to say, “First, they’ll take away our right to free speech.  But they’ve already done that.  People are afraid to say anything these days.  In fact, standing in front of a gun store is about the only place I feel comfortable striking up a conversation with a stranger.”

Hotlines have been created where citizens can report on businesses that don’t obey the government’s orders.  Otherwise-reasonable people are willingly reporting on business owners for “the greater good.”

Nearly everyone who went to the range yesterday believes that masks are ridiculous.  But, we wore them inside anyway.  Why?  Not because we’re concerned about a virus.  We wore them inside because the range could be closed if someone reported that they didn’t enforce the use of masks. 

The cancel culture has become the norm.  Speak out against anything that isn’t sanctioned by the Left and you risk losing everything.  Free speech isn’t free if you’re penalized for using it.

It’s not hard to imagine a future where people who have been trained to report actions the government deems subversive, will also be willing to report ideas.

Our kids are being trained to report anything that doesn’t support the government’s narrative.  Elementary schools in various parts of the U.S. have encouraged kids to report any parents that don’t follow social distancing and stay-at-home orders.  Once they’ve trained the kids to report on what their parents are doing, is it a huge step to get them to report what their parents are saying?

Then my new Russian friend said, “The next step is usually to control the media.  But they’re already doing that too.”

The mainstream media has been weaponized.  They decide what we get to hear and what the “facts” are.  When someone is bombarded with only one side of an argument, they quickly start to believe that there is no opposition to what they believe to be the truth.

Finally, he said, “The next thing they’ll do is to take away our right to assemble.”

And, they’re already doing that as well.  Throughout 2020, we saw certain, Liberal, causes were allowed and even encouraged to demonstrate while Conservative causes were discouraged and sometimes banned outright.  Groups gathering on social media have been censored and deleted because they dare to speak out against a socialist agenda. 

I said that I couldn’t understand why so many people would willingly give away their freedoms.

His reply, “Because they’ve been trained for decades to do so.”

Over the last 50 years or so, the United States has changed.  Two-parent families are becoming increasingly rare.  And in many of those families, both parents work, making the teachers the de facto primary adult influence in their children’s lives. 

And that has backfired.

For nearly two generations, our schools have been indoctrinating our kids with increasingly-leftist ideals.  Colleges and universities openly support socialist agendas while condemning conservative views.  Professors punish students who don’t parrot back the lesson material and conservative speakers are often banned from campuses.  Critical thinking and questioning authority are frowned upon and actively suppressed. 

The media works to promote their own agenda while suppressing anyone who may disagree.  The kids who grew up with cell phones have been trained to trust whatever their phone tells them to believe. 

Entire generations have been brainwashed into believing what millions across the world have died fighting against is actually a good thing.

And now those kids have grown up.

The kids that were trained to be good socialists have elected people who openly admit to believing in a socialist government.  And that government has already indicated they will soon enact laws that will nearly guarantee that they remain in power forever.  Democracy, as we know it.  Is a thing of the past.

For nearly 250 years, the torch of democracy has been passed from generation to generation.  It took them decades to accomplish it, but those who promote a communist/socialist agenda have finally succeeded in snuffing out the flames of freedom.  How did they do it?  By influencing the minds of the people who will be inheriting this nation.

If you want to change your environment, you use air conditioning. But changing a country? Well, that requires heir conditioning.

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An Even More Drastic Measure
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Mike is just an average guy with a lot of opinions. He's a big fan of facts, logic and reason and uses them to try to make sense of the things he sees. His pronoun preference is flerp/flop/floop.