
Woman in Name Only

I have a favor to ask.  It’s not a big ask.  But it would mean a lot to me.  I realize that you don’t know me, and if I were you, I’d probably be hesitant to commit.  But I’m going to ask anyway.

Before I do that, I’m going to lay down a little background.

Practically everyone agrees that there are two sexes, male and female.  The argument used by most pro-dysphoric people is that the people who have a problem with men using women’s restrooms or convicted male rapists being incarcerated in female prisons are simply confusing sex and gender. 

Nobody argues that there’s no such thing as male and female.  And nobody tries to argue that there are different types of males and females, or that sex is on a “spectrum”.

Then why do people refer to someone as “biological male” or “biological female”?  Because both of those terms are redundant.  There is only male and female.  No adjective is required.

But by adding the word “biological”, you’re implying that there is more than one type of male and more than one type of female.

Which there isn’t.  Nobody except the most insane of us is saying that there is.

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Implicit Support

Personally, I believe that only a man can be male, and only a woman can be female.  It’s been that way for thousands of years.  I see no reason to change it now.  But if you want to virtue signal or bend to the woke left and their trans bullshit, then a more correct thing to say would be “biological man” or “biological woman”.

I’d prefer that you didn’t use those terms either but if you have to say something, then “biological man” is a better choice than “biological male”.  Because then you’re just supporting their argument, not making a new one for them.

But honestly, neither is a great choice.  Because by adding the “biological” to either “female” or “woman”, you’re reinforcing the narrative that someone can change what they are by simply putting on a costume.

And that brings me to the favor I’m asking.  Please stop adding the word “biological”. 

I’m Offended

Not that anyone cares, but I find referring to me as a “biological male” horribly offensive.  I’ve been a plain old “male” for more than six decades.  Why do I need to be referred to as a “biological male” just because some other dude wants to pretend to be a woman?  Or because some chick wants to pretend to be a man?

In fact, I have problems with some of the other things I’m being called too.  For example, I really fucking hate the term “cisgender male”.  In case you don’t know, “cisgender” refers to someone who’s gender identity corresponds with the sex they were assigned at birth.

But, as I pointed out, I’m a male.  Always have been.  Always will be.  I don’t need a new term to describe me.  I’m perfectly happy with just being a male.  I think “cisgender male” is another a horribly offensive term.

I don’t feel that I should be required to be called something else, just because you want to pretend to be something you can never be.

And nearly every other man on this planet feels the same way.

So please, please, for the love of God, stop adding the word “biological” to the words “male” or “man”.  And stop saying “cisgendered male”.  At least when you’re referring to me.

Leave Me Alone

If you want to pretend to be something you’re not…fine.  But I don’t want it to affect me in even the smallest way.  Use a word to specifically describe you, don’t change the words that are used to describe me.  I don’t give a shit what you want to call yourself.  Just leave me the hell alone.

And therein lies the problem.  There just isn’t a good way to refer to men pretending to be women, and women pretending to be men.

Fortunately, I have a suggestion.

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I’m nearly certain you’ve heard of a “RINO”.  Not “r-h-i-n-o” as in rhinoceros, but “R-I-N-O” as in what you call someone who is only pretending to be a Republican but is really something else.

In other words, a “Republican in Name Only”. 

I realized the other day that a similar term is exactly the solution we need. 

Regardless of what they call themselves, men who are pretending to be women aren’t really woman.  They’re “Women in Name Only”, which we can shorten to “WINO”.  And women pretending to be men are “Men in Name Only”, for which the acronym is “MINO”.

Since I want these terms to quickly become part of everyone’s vocabulary, let’s go ahead and turn the acronyms into words and make them lower case.

When you think about it, this makes a ton of sense.  Because no matter how many body parts they cut off or how much makeup they spackle on, a man pretending to be a woman will never be more than a Woman in Name Only. 

It’s perfect.  And has the added benefit of meeting my other requirement of not changing what you call me.

Culturally Relevant

Now, I fully realize that this can be confusing for people because the term “wino” is already used to refer to something else.  But if the radical left can change the meaning of things like “woke”, “mostly peaceful protests”, and “Black Lives Matter”, none of which are actually true, then I can repurpose a word that‘s no longer culturally relevant.

The days when wine was the preferred substance to abuse are long gone.  There are many other terms that are more appropriate to the times than “wino”. 

For example, there’s stoner, schmecker, druggy, crackhead, meth head and crack whore.  Or, if you prefer, you can use the more socially acceptable term of “crack ho”.  The point is, the definition of the term “wino” can be changed without impacting anyone.  Especially me.

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Let’s Give Them a Try

Now, let’s look at a few examples of how you’d use this in a sentence.

An adolescent wino was booed by the crowd recently when he won the Oregon State Championship in the girls 200-meter dash.

A wino has been recently crowned Miss Maryland USA.

A mino MMA fighter got the snot beaten out of her by a man in the first round.

A woman in Alaska had her membership to Planet Fitness cancelled because she complained about a wino shaving in the women’s locker room.

See?  It couldn’t be easier.  You knew what I meant, and I didn’t have to use the words “biological” or “cisgendered” even once. 

Sure, it may be confusing at first, but no more so than trying to wrap your head around the fact that Black Lives Matter doesn’t actually mean that black lives matter.

So, the next time you find yourself in a situation where you need to talk about a man or woman, promise me you’ll leave out the word “biological”. 

Instead, try using “wino” and “mino”.  These new terms will help you communicate effectively while at the same time, eliminate your implied support of the bullshit trans agenda.

And, as a bonus, they also just happen to be true.

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Mike is just an average guy with a lot of opinions. He's a big fan of facts, logic and reason and uses them to try to make sense of the things he sees. His pronoun preference is flerp/flop/floop.