
Cheap Fakes

You may have seen the recent video of Biden at a fundraiser in Hollywood.  He, Jimmy Kimmel and Barack Obama were onstage at the end of the show.  Jimmy and Obama were smiling and waving to the audience while Joe was standing there like a deer caught in the headlights.

Eventually, Obama noticed what was happening, grabbed Biden by the arm and guided Joe as he shuffled offstage looking every day of his 81 years.

When asked about it at a press conference the following day, Whitehouse Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre claimed the video was a “cheap fake”.  She then claimed that Biden also freezing at a Juneteenth event was a “cheap fake” too.  And that other videos showing evidence of Biden’s mental decline are also fake.

It’s a bit ironic, I think, when a cheap excuse for a Whitehouse Press Secretary starts complaining about “cheap fakes”.  KJP then went on to say that people are making fake videos solely meant to make Biden look as bad as possible.

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There’s a simple solution

OK.  I’ll play that game.  Let’s say it’s true.  There’s a simple solution.  Show us the real videos.

Joe Biden is one of the most photographed men in the world.  Clearly there were other people taking videos of Biden at both the Juneteenth event and the fundraiser.  Show us the videos where it doesn’t appear like Joe Biden has lost his mind.

I’d say I’ll wait, but I’ve got things I need to do today.

If there were videos of Joe Biden looking like he’s playing with a full deck, we would have already seen them.

Remember when Trump was accused of saying that White Supremacists are fine people?  Or when he was accused of calling all Mexicans rapists? 

All Trump had to do was just show people the entire video instead of a few out-of-context seconds clipped from the middle.  We were able to see for ourselves that what was being said of him was a lie.

But that’s not possible for Biden.  Because watching more of his cringeworthy performances won’t make him look better.  It will only make him look worse.

What he meant was…

When Trump was misquoted, Keyleigh McEnany would correct them by saying, “What the President said was…”  But Biden’s press secretary has to take a different approach.  How many times have you heard KJP say, “What the President meant was…”.  There’s a huge difference between those two statements.

The folks pulling Biden’s strings have nothing they can use to prove that Biden isn’t a senile old man. 

So, they resort to the only thing they can do.  And that’s to lie about the authenticity of the videos we’re all seeing.  KJP calls the videos fake, the liberal media calls the videos fake, and the people who only get their news from CNN, MSNBC or TikTok think the videos are fake.  All with no proof whatsoever that they are.

Videos of Joe Biden looking and acting as the President of the United States should look and act simply do not exist.  The only thing they can do is spin the news cycle and promote the ridiculous notion that the videos of Joe behaving badly are just “cheap fakes”.

Which brings me to the Presidential debate.

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What were they thinking?

Why on earth would Biden’s handlers agree to letting everyone see him in real time?

There was absolutely no upside in it for them.  There was only the potential for a catastrophe.

And that’s what they got.

Now, from my point of view, and likely the point of view of anyone reading (or listening) to this, Joe’s performance the other night was pretty good.  For Joe that is.  I’ve seen much worse examples of him glitching, losing his train of thought, making up numbers and sometimes even making up words.

So, I’d give his performance on the debate stage a solid 7.  Well, a Joe 7, which is a 2 for anyone else.

I’ve seen his decline over the years.  When he ran for president nearly 4 years ago, he was only 50% of the Joe Biden he used to be.  Over the last three years, he’s become only 10% of the 50% he was when “elected”.

So, what we have left is only 5% of the Joe Biden from decades ago.  Which, honestly, wasn’t all that good to start with.

You and I weren’t surprised.  Because we’ve been watching, and talking about, his decline for years.  But the people who believe CNN, MSNBC and Karine Jean-Pierre were caught completely off guard.  It’s amazing how many people are stunned at Biden’s performance.

Here’s why.

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Spin Cycle

For years, Biden’s handlers have told his supporters that Joe’s doing just fine and that he’s fit to lead the country.  They spun his numerous gaffes and literal missteps and blamed it on “Ultra Maga Domestic Terrorists” fabricating and spreading misinformation.

And then the debate happened.  And suddenly, there wasn’t enough spin in the world to make his performance look good.

Had they been up front with their supporters and megadonors from the start, those people would have seen the gradual decline of Joe Biden.  And, instead of being aghast at what they saw, they would have also believed that Joe actually had a pretty good night.  For Joe anyway.

Or maybe not.  Joe performed so poorly, and his decline so obvious, that even CNN couldn’t continue to pretend it wasn’t happening.

Finally, some of his supporters saw what we’ve been seeing all along.  And this was after five days of debate prep, the advice of more than a dozen people, who knows how many drugs pumped into him and most likely equipped with an earpiece so he could get prompts from backstage.

So now there’s panic in the Democratic party as they scramble to find a solution for something that should have been solved years ago.  They’ll undoubtedly come up with a plan that takes Biden out of the picture and replaces him with someone else less brain dead but equally as mentally incompetent.

And they’ll expect supporters of the Democratic party to vote for whoever they replace Joe with.

A Potentially Fatal Flaw

Except, there’s a flaw in their plan.  There are going to be people who had their eyes opened to more than just Joe’s mental decline.  There will be people to which Thursday night opened their eyes to a whole lot more.  And those people are going to start to wonder what other lies the Democratic party has been telling.

And once they start looking, they’re going to find out that practically everything they’ve been told about Trump and, well…just about everything else…is nothing but lies and misinformation.  And for some of them, there will be no way in hell that they’d vote for Biden or whoever replaces him.

While it shouldn’t be, the presidential election in 2024 will likely be a close race.  Just a few percentage points either way will determine who wins.  So, putting him head-to-head against Trump defies all logic and reason.

By live streaming Biden, they ensured that everyone, regardless of their political beliefs or party affiliation, all saw the same thing.

And what we saw wasn’t a cheap fake.  It was the best Joe Biden we’re going to get.

And that’s just not good enough for America.

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Mike is just an average guy with a lot of opinions. He's a big fan of facts, logic and reason and uses them to try to make sense of the things he sees. His pronoun preference is flerp/flop/floop.