
PonkaBlog Shorts #9

From time to time, I find a few topics that are important, but not big enough to stand on their own.  Today, I’m going to cover five of them.


I’m starting to see posts turn up in my feeds from people who have decided not to vote in the upcoming election.  And they seem to be proud of it.

To be fair, that’s not entirely true.  I haven’t seen anyone that says they’re not going to vote at all.  But I have seen people who say they’re not voting for a president.

In my opinion, (I’d say, “in my humble opinion”, but a friend of mine once said I’ve never had a humble opinion about anything), anyone who doesn’t vote for either Trump or Harris is an imbecile, or an idiot.  I haven’t yet figured out which.

Our job in November is to pick the most qualified of the candidates presented.  Period.  It doesn’t matter if you wish there was another choice.  And it doesn’t matter if you personally dislike either candidate.  What matters is that the person elected is the best person for the job. 

I know, I know, there are other candidates.  But there are only two candidates who have even the slightest chance of winning.  So, writing in someone or voting for the Green or Libertarian or even the Independent candidate in states where RFK Jr. is still on the ballot, is the same thing as not voting at all.

Because none of those candidates can win.

It really doesn’t matter if you’re a huge fan of Jill Stein or Chase Oliver, or even Bobby Kennedy Jr.  It doesn’t matter if you agree with one of them on every single topic.  They can’t win.  They can’t even come close.

You’re not going to make a point that anyone cares about by abstaining from voting.  And you’re not going to make any kind of political statement by voting for a candidate who has less than a snowball’s chance in hell of winning.

Since they can’t win, doesn’t it seem reasonable that you should vote for a candidate that can? 

Like it or not, you have only two choices.  Trump or Harris.  Pick one.  If you don’t vote, then by default you have cast your vote for whoever wins. 

The only thing you’re doing by bragging that you’re not voting is demonstrating to everyone that you are either too imbecilic or stupid to make a decision.  I haven’t yet figured out which.

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Fear Mongering (again)

Last week, I came across an article in The Hill talking about the recent COVID outbreak.  I wasn’t even aware there was a COVID outbreak.  But they were and they told me I should be afraid.  Because, according to them:

“One factor is the high transmissibility of newer variants. The virus has continued to mutate, with certain variants displaying enhanced ability to spread, even among populations with high vaccination rates. While vaccines remain effective at preventing severe disease and death, breakthrough infections are becoming more common, especially as immunity from earlier vaccinations wanes.“

Really?  This looks like a cut-and-paste from 2021.  You know, back when anyone believed that the vackseens were actually vaccines and that they conferred any type of protection at all.  And, that people who have been jabbed weren’t more likely to get sick than those who haven ‘t.

By now, everyone should know that the COVID vackseens don’t stop anyone from catching the virus nor do they stop anyone from transmitting it to others.

The article implies that the COVID shots will protect you and the people around you.  That is simply not true.  Fear mongering articles like this are the reason we’re still seeing people drive their car alone while wearing a mask.

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Fact Checking

During the debate, one of the moderators “fact-checked” Trump when he said that Haitian immigrants were eating people’s pets.  David Muir claimed it wasn’t true because he had checked with the city manager of Springfield, OH and they said it wasn’t happening.    

And we’re supposed to believe the city manager?

It wasn’t that long ago, just last week I believe, that the mayor of Aurora, CO claimed that Venezuelan gangs hadn’t taken over apartment buildings in his city.  We all saw the videos of them walking around with guns and forcing their way into apartments.  And yet the mayor had the gall to claim that what we all saw wasn’t happening.

But, just yesterday, the Aurora PD arrested 10 members of the Tren de Aragua gang for taking over apartment buildings in Aurora.  It turns out that either the mayor was mistaken or lying.  Either way, he didn’t turn out to be even the tiniest bit credible.

Are there Haitians eating pets in Springfield?  I don’t know.  But do know two things, the first is that only an idiot would call the person responsible for a town’s public relations and expect him to give an accurate answer about illegal immigrants eating people’s pets.  Of course he’s going to deny it.

The second thing I know is that when Trump says these crazy things, ultimately, most of them are later proven to be true. 

There used to be a time when journalists would require confirmation by three independent sources.  But these days, just calling the guy with a vested interest in the town’s reputation is considered the pinnacle of journalistic integrity

Election Fraud

In 2020, we were warned before the election that there may be some last-minute votes that changed the results of the election.  And that’s exactly what happened.  We’ve already heard the same warnings about this year’s election. 

Essentially, the Democrats are pre-warning us that they’re going to steal the election.  Again.

The reason the Democrats can steal elections is almost entirely because of mail-in-ballots.  In many, if not most, states, mail-in-ballots are accepted well after election day.

I received a notice from the local election board with information they think I need to know about November.  One of the things that caught my eye concerned mail-in ballots.  In California, mail-in ballots must be postmarked by November 5th and received by November 13th

This makes no sense whatsoever.  The rule should be that ballots must be received by November 5th.  Period.  That would eliminate the opportunity for anyone to figure out how many votes they’d need to fake.

The postmark isn’t important.  What’s important is if the USPS can deliver the ballots by election day.  During the holidays, the USPS makes sure you know by which dates you need to mail your package or letter to guarantee it will be there by Christmas. 

They can do the same thing in November.  Well, October actually.  Just let people know the last day they can mail their ballots in order to be guaranteed that they’ll be delivered on time.

Better yet, don’t allow people to mail their ballots back.  Make drop-off boxes the only option.  That way the boxes can be secured, and the ballots counted along with all the other ballots on election night. 

Nobody would be able to game the system because they wouldn’t have a preview of the results and still have a week to make a couple truckloads of fake ballots.

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Kamala’s “Earpiece”

There’s been some talk about Kamala’s earrings being wireless earpieces.  I could be wrong but don’t think they were.  She didn’t need an earpiece because she obviously had been given the questions well in advance of the debate. 

In all likelihood, her campaign not only got the questions in advance, but they probably also had a hand in creating the questions.  She had weeks to prepare, and she had the two moderators protecting her.  So, she didn’t need an earpiece. 

However, both moderators for sure had them.  What I’m interested in is hearing what was whispered in their ears.  It would be extremely interesting to hear the instructions they were being given while the debate was taking place. 

I’ll go so far to say that, for any Presidential debate, ALL communications to anyone on stage should be available to anyone who wants to hear it.

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Mike is just an average guy with a lot of opinions. He's a big fan of facts, logic and reason and uses them to try to make sense of the things he sees. His pronoun preference is flerp/flop/floop.