
Cultural Annihilation

In the late 80’s and early 90’s I lived outside of Atlanta.  At the time, I did some driving through one of the suburbs of the city.  I can’t recall which one it was.  I remembered it as being a quaint little southern town with local shops selling southern-themed gifts and local restaurants serving your typical southern fare including sausage gravy biscuits and grits.

Fifteen years later, I returned to Atlanta and decided to drive through that same quaint little southern town.  I didn’t recognize it.  The streets looked familiar.  But the area no longer looked like the southern United States.  Everywhere I looked, the storefronts and restaurants had huge signs in Korean.  It looked like South Korea (and yes, I’ve been to South Korea, so I’m qualified to make the comparison).

Still having a hankering for some sausage gravy biscuits, we headed further out of the city.  We saw signs advertising a local flea market and thought it would be fun to do some looking around.

What I expected to see was what I used to see when I lived there.  That is, a bunch of good old boys selling things they found in their attic or garage. 

What I found was that the “local” flea market was filled with people selling piñatas, Mexican blankets, churros and tee-shirts with clever sayings on them.  I assume they were clever sayings.  I don’t know for sure because they were all in Spanish.

I had hoped to encounter some authentic southern charm.  What I actually encountered was a bunch of people who spoke a language I didn’t understand.

The quaint little southern town, as I knew it, no longer exists.  It will never exist again.  Because the culture of that little southern town was annihilated.

This is happening all over the country.

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Mogadishu, MN

Minnesota is home to one of the largest populations of Somalians outside of Somalia.  Even so, there are only about 90,000 Somalians living in Minnesota, out of a population of nearly 6 million.  In other words, about 1.5% of the total population of Minnesota is Somalian. 

This year, the governor of Minnesota, Tim Walz, who also happens to be the VP candidate of the Democratic party, decided to change the flag of Minnesota.  There was no referendum and no chance for the nearly 3.7 million registered voters to voice their opinion.

It was simply announced one day that the flag would be changing.  Most people didn’t even know that changing it was on the table.  I guess that technically it never was on the table.  It was just changed.

This alone would be a good example of government overreach, but it’s also a good example of local cultures being trampled on by immigrants.  Even the most casual of observers can see that the new Minnesota flag is strikingly similar to one of the flags of Somalia.

The official reason given for the change is that the old flag was considered offensive to Indians living in Minnesota.  Now, before you get your undies in a bunch about me using the term Indian, that’s what they call themselves.  At least the ones I’ve talked to do.

Not Offended

But here’s the crazy thing, there are Indian casinos in Minnesota, and most, if not all, of them are still flying the old Minnesota flag.  You know, the one that supposedly offends them.  I’ve also heard from a ton of Indians living in Minnesota and not a single one of them like, or even wanted, a new flag.

There is no way that the similarities between the Somalian flag and the new Minnesota flag are coincidental.  The flag wasn’t changed to appease the local Indian population, nor was it changed because a majority of the people of Minnesota wanted it changed.   Or maybe they did.  We’ll never know because they were never asked.

Regardless of the lame reasons given by Tim Walz and his lackies, anyone can see that the flag was changed to garner favor with the 1.5% of the population who happen to be Somalian.

Changing the state flag, and the state seal, may seem insignificant, but I see it as the beginning of a trend.  The culture of Minnesota is slowly being annihilated.

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Tastes Like Chicken

I’m sure by now you’ve heard what’s going on in Springfield, OH.  The population of Springfield was around 60,000 people.  In the last few years, around 20,000 Haitian immigrants, presumably asylum seekers, have been relocated to Springfield.

Residents have been complaining about the increase in crime and that government services are being overwhelmed by the dumping of immigrants into the small midwestern town.  The number of traffic accidents have skyrocketed (Haitians are notoriously bad drivers) and more recently, residents have reported incidents of their pets going missing.

Long story short, the rapid influx of so many Haitian immigrants is wreaking havoc on the local culture.

Trump poured gasoline on the situation during the “debate”, and I use that word loosely, with Kamala saying that people’s pets are being eaten.  The mayor of Springfield was quick to say that those rumors are “baseless”. 

Let’s Do Some Math

But absence of proof is not proof of absence.  They may not have proof, but could it be true?  Could there be Haitians in Springfield eating people’s pets?  Let’s take a quick look.

According to the U.S. State Department, between 50% and 90% of Haitians practice voodoo.  Let’s use the low end of that scale.  That means that there are at least 10,000 practitioners of the voodoo religion now living in Springfield, OH. 

People who practice voodoo, clearly not all but at least some, sacrifice animals.  And they often eat the animals they sacrifice.  Further, in Haiti, dogs, cats, and birds, among others, aren’t protected by animal cruelty statutes. 

I’d say it’s highly likely that there are Haitians living in Springfield who either don’t know about or don’t care that cats, dogs and birds are protected here in the U.S. by animal cruelty laws. 

And out of the 10,000 practitioners of voodoo living in Springfield, at least some of them are going to practice the type of voodoo that sacrifices animals.  And at least some of them are going to sacrifice whatever animal is handy.

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Clearly not every Haitian living in Springfield is doing this sort of thing.  If all 10,000 practicing voodooians were sacrificing animals, the entire area would be devoid of cats and dogs in a couple of weeks.  It would be hard for anyone to ignore that.

But it wouldn’t take many people sacrificing dogs and cats before it became noticeable.  If only a dozen people were sacrificing dogs and cats, and if they each killed just one a week, it would only take a few weeks before residents started to share notes about the mysterious disappearance of their pets.

So yeah, it is possible, and I’d say quite likely, that people’s pets are being stolen, sacrificed and eaten.  At least a few of them.

But the big story here is that Springfield, Ohio has been irrevocably changed by having more than 25% of its population comprised of immigrants.

This isn’t just an American thing.  This is happening all over the world.


In Ireland, the Tipperary village of Dundrum has a population of 165.  It’s a traditional Irish community whose culture and customs go back hundreds of years.  Dundrum also is home to the Dundrum House Hotel, which was built in 1730. 

The Government of Ireland has plans to renovate the hotel to house up to 280 immigrants, primarily from Ukraine.

What do you think is going to happen to the culture of Dundrum when it suddenly has twice as many Ukrainians living there as there are native Irish people?

I’ll tell you what’s going to happen.  In the short span of a few months, Dundrum, as we know it today, will cease to exist.  The culture of Dundrum will be replaced with the culture and customs of Ukraine.  Hundreds of years of Irish customs and culture will be gone in the blink of an eye.

Immigration, done correctly, can be a positive thing.  When someone new comes to our country, we assimilate the best they bring into our own culture.  At least, that’s how it used to be. 

These days, if a redneck wanted to open a burrito or churro stand, that would be condemned as cultural appropriation.  But we’re supposed to believe that it’s OK to mass import so many immigrants that the result is cultural annihilation.

The Worst is Yet to Come

We no longer get the best immigration has to offer.  Because there are simply too many people to assimilate into the existing society.  Instead, local cultures and customs are being entirely replaced with cultures that created shithole countries the immigrants come from.

For a moment, let’s ignore the other issues that mass immigration brings.  You know, things like an increase in the crime rate, the overwhelming of local government services, decrease in traffic safety and the degradation of the education system.  Let’s ignore those because those are things that can be fixed by throwing enough money at the problem.

If we ignore all those things, if we assume enough money will fix all those problems, we’re left with the worst thing that mass immigration causes.  The total annihilation of local customs and cultures. 

But hey, at least we don’t have any white folks selling burritos.

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Mike is just an average guy with a lot of opinions. He's a big fan of facts, logic and reason and uses them to try to make sense of the things he sees. His pronoun preference is flerp/flop/floop.