
Trump’s America

One of my Liberal Facebook “friends” posted a question the other day.  He wanted to know if the United States was a shithole country yet.  My response was, “Not yet.  You need to try a little harder.”

By now you’ve probably all heard people call this “Trump’s America”.  The claim is that President Trump is somehow responsible for all of the damage and destruction happening across the United States.

There is a huge problem with that claim.

I think we can agree that, in nearly all instances, the people doing the rioting and looting are not Trump supporters.  I’m going to admit that there is likely at least one instance where someone supporting the President is responsible for damage.  But, a single instance out of thousands is statistically insignificant.

If Trump was responsible for causing the damage, don’t you think that his followers would be the ones doing the rioting and looting?  Instead, we see countless examples of Trump supporters denouncing the violence and asking that law and order be restored. 

In addition to looting and rioting, here is a list of other things you don’t see in “Trump’s America”.  If the President is truly responsible for the damage being caused, at least some of these would need to be present.

  • You don’t see Trump supporters screaming at people who don’t agree with them. 
  • You don’t see Trump supporters creating “autonomous zones”.
  • You don’t see Trump supporters manipulating people via the mainstream media.
  • You don’t see Trump supporters censoring people.
  • You don’t see Trump supporters demanding that people kneel to them.
  • You don’t see Trump supporters blocking public roads.
  • You don’t see Trump supporters destroying public property.
  • You don’t see Trump supporters throwing bricks at, or using lasers on, the police.   
  • You don’t see Trump supporters pulling innocent people from their vehicles and beating them.
  • You don’t see Trump supporters hailing drug dealers, rapists and murderers as heroes. 
  • You don’t see Trump supporters dialing their outrage to eleven before knowing all the facts.
  • You don’t see Trump supporters threatening to tear down the country.

Those of you who claim that President Trump is destroying America should remember that it’s not the people who support our President who are responsible for the damage.

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