
Election Flawed

Voter fraud is all well and good, if you want to impact an election in a small way.  But, if you want to steal an election, you’re going to have to commit election fraud.  Voter fraud committed on a huge scale is election fraud.  But, to be successful, you need more than just massive voter fraud. There are a few other things you’d also need to do.

If you wanted to get away with election fraud, you’d need a pretty good plan.  If I were going to do it, I’d probably follow a roadmap similar to this:

  1. I’d push for a way to make voter fraud as easy as possible.  Something like mail-in-voting would do the trick. 
  2. I’d get as many states as I could to send ballots to everyone, whether they asked for them or not.
  3. I’d make sure the polls quoted by the mainstream media showed that I was solidly in the lead.
  4. I’d block partisan election monitors from observing the voting process in key locations.  Maybe Philadelphia would be a good place to do this.
  5. I’d count ballots that arrived after the deadline or were postmarked after election day. 
  6. I’d make sure I had the endorsement of the American Postal Workers Union, the very people responsible for ensuring votes are delivered safely and on time.
  7. I’d find a way to get the Post Office to ignore a Judge’s order to track/find 300,000 ballots that primarily affect battleground states on the East coast.
  8. I’d work with the mainstream media (not everyone, just the big guys that everyone looks at) and get them to delay “calling” Republican states while prematurely “calling” Democratic states.  This will discourage some voters from going to the polls.
  9. I’d have the local election officials rewrite election laws on the fly and allow late ballots to be counted.  Pennsylvania and North Carolina are good examples of this.
  10. I’d stop counting on election night, if my opponent was in the lead, and continue the next day.  Sort of like what happened in Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania and Georgia.  This would give me an opening to commit voter fraud if necessary.

This plan won’t guarantee that I’d win, but it’s a pretty good plan.  And it’s crazy enough that it just might work. Something like this couldn’t possibly happen though.  The American people are too smart to allow this to occur.  Right?

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