
Domestic Abuse, Election Fraud and Pearl Harbor

I was speaking with a friend of mine the other day who had recently left a difficult job.  He said, “Now I understand how someone could stay in an abusive relationship.  Things get a little bit worse every day, so you don’t realize how bad it really is.”

With domestic abuse, things start out great.  Then the abuse starts.  Typically, it begins with verbal abuse, then escalates to a push or shove.  It then escalates further to a slap and then even further to ever-increasing use of force.  If the victim has enough resolve, there comes a time when a point is reached where they fight back.

Things have been getting increasingly worse for Conservatives over the past few years.  Our situation has deteriorated a little bit at a time and the changes happened slow enough that we didn’t notice the cumulative effect. 

We were called racist for supporting our President and cancelled for differing in opinion.  But we didn’t realize how bad things were. And we didn’t fight back.

Then our cities were burned down, our President was impeached, and our police were defunded.  But we didn’t realize how bad things were. And we didn’t fight back.

We were censored and “fact-checked” by social media, and misled and misinformed by the mainstream media.  And we still didn’t fight back.

Had they continued with these body blows, we likely wouldn’t have done anything and simply waited until the next punch was thrown our way.  But then they went too far.  The Democrats stole the election.  And now we’re fighting back. 

And not only are Conservatives fighting back on election fraud, we’re fighting back on everything.

Conservatives are leaving Facebook, Twitter and YouTube for more Conservative-friendly platforms.  We’re demanding to know how falsified information could be used to justify the impeachment of the President.  We’re abandoning the mainstream media for more reliable and truthful sources of news.  People like Candace Owens are suing social media for limiting her ability to reach her followers.  We’re fighting to restore the legitimate results of the election and elect President Trump.

Liberals will no longer be able to abuse Conservatives because we’ve reached the limit of what we’ll willing to put up with.  Liberals need to find someone else to kick around because we’re fighting back.

After the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor, Japanese Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto said: “I fear all we have done is to awaken a sleeping giant and fill him with a terrible resolve.”

The Liberals have gone too far.  Stealing the election was the last straw and Conservatives have finally been awakened.  And, we have tremendous resolve.

Fee fi fo fum.

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Mike is just an average guy with a lot of opinions. He's a big fan of facts, logic and reason and uses them to try to make sense of the things he sees. His pronoun preference is flerp/flop/floop.