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The Not So Great Reset

Every day, we see reports of healthy people dying suddenly and unexpectedly.  Some of them are literally dropping dead while walking down the street.  Clearly this is something that has always happened.  There are eight billion people on the planet.  Nearly 167,000 people die each day.  And some of them

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The Biden Files

For those of you who haven’t been keeping track, Trump has been under fire for months because some classified documents were apparently found at Mara Lago.  The Left has been pitching a hissy fit about this and threatening to bring legal action against the former President. You know what they

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Control Group Update #5

As many of you are aware, I’m a member of an elite group of people known as “The Control Group”.  I, along with the other members of The Group, bravely sacrifice our safety and wellbeing by not getting vacksinated and not following any of the recommended precautions.  We do this

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Risky Business

Today, the FDA announced that Lupin Pharmaceuticals has recalled four lots of their “Quinapril” blood pressure medication.  According to the press release, the affected batches contained too much of an impurity called “N-Notroso-Quinapril”. The problem is that, taken over a long period of time, that impurity may increase the risk

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Traffic Flaws

There was a study published recently in The Journal of American Medicine titled “COVID Vaccine Hesitancy and the Risk of a Traffic Crash”.  The study, performed by a group of Canadian researchers, compared traffic accidents experienced by people who had been given a COVID-19 vacksination and those who hadn’t. I

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There’s a riverbed about a mile from my house.  I say “riverbed” and not “river” because it rarely has any water in it.  This is southern California, and we get rain like twice a year.  So, the riverbed isn’t filled with water.  It’s filled with homeless people.  About four years

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Anyone following the 2022 elections knows that something hinky went on.  As with two years before, ballots that slanted mostly Democrat started pouring in overnight.  Not surprisingly, those ballots gave the Democrats victories in several key races. What caused this strange, statistically impossible, surge in Democrat votes?  Was it election

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