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Common Scents

A few years ago, my neighbor invited me to go fishing with him and his buddies just off the coast of Southern California.  I’m not really a fisherman but didn’t have anything to do that day so I went along for the ride.  I’m usually OK on boats.  But, as

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Liar, Liar

In case you missed it, last week at a conference in Europe, a Pfizer representative admitted that the company never bothered to test whether or not their COVID vackseen prevents the transmission of the disease to others. The Conservative press picked up the story and ran with it.  The headlines

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Truth is Treason

I never answer my phone anymore.  Nobody seems to be able to do anything about spam calls, so I took it upon myself to come up with a solution.  If you call me, and I don’t have you in my contacts, your call goes to voicemail.  Sure, I’ve missed a

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How to Prevent Voter Fraud

I’ve been thinking about our election process for a good long time.  I started writing my blog a few months before the 2020 elections.  I initially started posting on Facebook, but once they started filtering my posts, I decided it was time to get off Facebook and on to a

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On the Knows

Did you ever notice how some words change their meaning over time?  And how some words can end up meaning the opposite of what they once did? The word “bad” is a prime example of that.  “Bad” used to mean “not good”.  Over time, it changed so “bad” actually meant

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The Reckoning

It’s happening again.  For weeks we’ve all been experiencing the seemingly never-ending lead up to the mid-term elections.  If you’re like me, you’ve long passed the point where you’re tired of being force-fed political ads filled with lies about one thing or another.  Candidates from every side promise countless things

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Doritos v. COVID

Just about every year, I get summoned for jury duty.  The way they do it here is they make you report to the “Hall of Justice” along with the other Super Friends…OK, I made up the part about the Super Friends.  But it really is called the “Hall of Justice”.

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