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I saw a meme the other day. It’s supposed to be a poke at Baby Boomers because some of us happen to be against having to pay for someone else’s student loans. What it really is, is an example of manipulation of the data to evoke an emotional response by
Have you ever watched the TV show called “Ancient Aliens”? Contrary to what you might infer from the title, it’s not a show about really old illegal aliens. It’s a show about the “nanoo-nanoo” type of aliens. If you’ve missed that one, then maybe you’ve seen an episode or two
Last May, an 18-year-old white guy walked into a supermarket in a primarily black neighborhood of Buffalo, New York, and opened fire. Within minutes the mainstream media and Liberal social media everywhere were saying this was a case of white supremacy. They were probably right. The assailant (I hate saying
When was the last time you had a pleasant experience with any company’s customer service department? If you’re like me, it’s been years. In fact, I can’t remember the last time I had to contact customer support for anything and had an experience that was even slightly better than craptacular.
Back in the early 90’s I was working as an engineer for a telecom equipment manufacturer. One day, I came to work and found that I had a new boss. The new guy was hired to fill a position I didn’t even know existed. These days HR would frown upon
There was a time not too long ago, less than three years really, when very few people gave a crap about what was making them slightly sick. Your immune system works because you’re a little bit sick all the time. Your body is constantly exposed to new threats, and while
I recently received an email from one of my readers. He asked me to please stop referring to political figures as “leaders”. He said that he votes for “representatives” and not “leaders”. You know what? He’s absolutely right. About 250 years ago, this country was founded behind the rallying cry