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I was watching a “discussion” on social media the other day. Someone, obviously a Liberal, made the comment that there were many accomplishments of Biden that she’s proud of. Yes, she actually used the word “many”. I took the bait and asked her to name just one. She never replied.
I have a fool-proof way of ridding the world of COVID-19 overnight. That’s not an exaggeration. My solution is simple, and if implemented, would completely eradicate COVID-19 by this time tomorrow. The day after at the latest. My plan? Make everyone pay for their own COVID tests and vacksinations. No
When I was growing up, I lived on a dairy farm. And we had an Australian Blue Heeler. We called him “Wimpy”. He was an amazing cattle dog. No one really trained him, he just instinctively knew what to do with the cows. The reason they’re called “heelers” is because
What if I told you I wanted you to take all your valuables and put them in the least secure place you could find? Perhaps in the middle of your backyard. Take any cash you’ve got lying around, any watches, jewelry, iPhones and other electronics and put them in a
I was having lunch with a bunch of 30-something people I work with. After a couple of minutes, it occurred to me I have practically nothing in common with any of them. So, I mostly just sat, listened, and thought to myself, “been there, done that”. Which was a good
My wife and I have an inside joke. I’ll do some project for her and ask her if she’s satisfied with the results. She’ll say, “It’s fine.” To which I’ll reply, “Fine is what I aspire to be.” I admit, it’s not a great joke, but it amuses us. Because
I have a Twitter account. I never use it, but I have one. And about once a week or so, I receive an email from Twitter telling me about things they think I should know about. A couple of articles ago, I talked about how there was a tweet saying,