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There’s a line I won’t cross. That line is ninety-nine cents. That’s the amount I’m willing to pay for a two-liter bottle of soda, pop, coke or whatever you call a soft drink wherever you live. Anything more than a dollar and I don’t feel I’m getting enough enjoyment from
Shortly after I moved to California, about a dozen years ago, I was driving on one of the megahighways out here and I had the bejeezus scared out me. I was doing about 75 on a road with eight lanes going in each direction when a couple of motorcycles zoomed
In my last article titled, The Biden Touch, I compared Joe Biden to King Midas. One of the notable differences being that while everything Midas touched turned to gold, everything Biden touches turns to shit. I then went on to explain why I believe it’s true. I’m not going to
Remember the story of King Midas from Greek mythology? To make a long story short, Midas was rewarded for being a nice guy and was granted a single wish. His wish was that everything he touch turns to gold. Thus, the term “the Midas touch”. Midas found out quickly that
This country would be a whole lot better off if people bought into the concept of individual accountability. Somewhere along the line, we’ve become a nation that blames things for the actions of the people using them, instead of blaming the people for their actions. Before we get started, I
I was watching a “discussion” on social media the other day. Someone, obviously a Liberal, made the comment that there were many accomplishments of Biden that she’s proud of. Yes, she actually used the word “many”. I took the bait and asked her to name just one. She never replied.
I have a fool-proof way of ridding the world of COVID-19 overnight. That’s not an exaggeration. My solution is simple, and if implemented, would completely eradicate COVID-19 by this time tomorrow. The day after at the latest. My plan? Make everyone pay for their own COVID tests and vacksinations. No