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Looking for Trouble

You can also listen to this article on The PonkaBlog Podcast! There are three things in this world for certain.  Death and taxes are the two most people are familiar with.  The third is this:  If you don’t look for something, you’re probably not going to find it.  Of course,

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Stone Cold Lies

You can also listen to this article on The PonkaBlog Podcast! From time to time, when I’m buying groceries, the cashier will say something like this, “would you like to donate $5.00 for cancer?”  My answer is always the same.  “No.  Because I’m not a fan of cancer.  So why

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The Gullibility Virus

You can also listen to this article on The PonkaBlog Podcast! Years ago, I went to lunch with an attorney who worked at the same company I did.  We were going to be driving by a Staples store on our way back to the office and had been asked to

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Close Encounters

You can also listen to this article on The PonkaBlog Podcast! I know a woman who gets headaches.  She didn’t used to get headaches, it’s something that started recently.  After suffering off and on for a few weeks, she was able to finally pinpoint the cause of her ailment.  It

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Dumb and Dumber

You can also listen to this article on The PonkaBlog Podcast! I use software that helps me publish my articles.  Every time I publish something, it warns me that the language I use may be too difficult to understand, and that I should rewrite it to make it easier for

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PonkaBlog Shorts #5

It’s time for another installment of PonkaBlog Shorts. From time to time I run across things that are worth talking about but aren’t big enough for an entire article on their own. Here are six such topics. You can also listen to this article on The PonkaBlog Podcast! Salvation Army

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