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Almost exactly four years ago, I was accused of being a member of a cult and of blindly following Donald Trump. The Left gave the cult the name “Cult 45”, which I supposed is a play on “Colt 45”, which I suppose insinuated that everyone that supports Trump is a
In 1942, the phrase “Truth, Justice and the American Way” was first used in the radio serial “Superman” as a way of showing support for the American military during World War II. I know, I know, it was created as a catchy slogan for a radio show. But I think
The election in November shouldn’t even be close. There’s ample proof of what would happen to this country, and the world, if Kamala Harris were to be elected President of the United States. Nobody with a lick of sense would vote to keep the Democrats in power. Unfortunately, there are
I’ve come across a few things recently that I felt deserved a closer look. Here are two: New Amsterdam You may have seen a video that popped up recently. It showed a scene from the television show “New Amsterdam” where one of the main characters was claiming that a boy’s
The actions of the Secret Service in response to the attempted assassination of President Trump is a textbook example of…well…of what not to do. In fact, I would be surprised if it’s not eventually used in textbooks when training new agents. This is also seemingly a good example of Murphy’s
On Saturday, there was an assassination attempt on President Trump. Here are some random thoughts of mine on the topic. Monday Morning Quarterback One time I was watching a news report on a wildfire. The video was coming from a helicopter and showed some firemen clearing brush as the fire
Sometimes I hate it when I’m right. Which is a problem because I’m right a lot. From time to time, I’ve made references to people who get all their news from CNN and MSNBC. These are people who still believe that the mainstream media is fair, impartial and without bias.