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Since the turn of the century, I have voted in five presidential elections. And my vote hasn’t counted once. My vote was counted, but it didn’t count. For the past 23 years, I have lived in either Massachusetts or California. Both are highly Democratic states. And, because of the way
Where do we draw the line at crazy? At what point does someone move from being able to make their own decisions, to someone who shouldn’t be allowed to make any decisions at all? It used to be a simple question. And, for most of us, it definitely fell within
I said years ago that the best possible strategy for anti-gun people is to shoot and kill a bunch of innocent victims. Because every time there’s another highly-publicized shooting, the Left uses it as an example of why they believe we need more gun control. In fact, the only people
Now that Women’s History Month is behind us, it’s time for me to say something. I would have said something sooner, but I didn’t want to distract us from celebrating women’s history. But now that the month is over, and we’re back to ignoring the accomplishments of women like we
Eleanor Rigby Learning to panic from things she sees on CNN. Lives in a dream See her commuting. Wearing a mask in the car when there’s nobody near. Who does she fear? I was taking a walk this morning and I saw a couple walking toward me. They had a
As I mentioned last week, it won’t be long before the company I work for attempts to make me use someone’s personal pronouns and preferred name. It’s not really a question of if. It’s a question of when. And I don’t really believe they’re going to grant me a medical
I think personal pronouns are ridiculous. In fact, I think they’re so ridiculous that I have a physical reaction every time I merely think about the idea. My blood pressure rises and so does my pulse rate. And, for someone like me who has heart issues, either or both of