
Category: Back the Blue

Total 49 Posts

A Coercive Workplace Environment

Let’s say one day I wear my favorite “All Lives Matter” t-shirt to work.  I’m sitting there eating my lunch and someone wearing a BLM t-shirt starts harassing me for wearing my shirt.  Now, I was just quietly eating my sandwich, not bothering anyone, and then this person starts yelling

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A Lesson in “Assedness”

Since we’re seeing an unprecedented number of “noncitizens” entering out country, I thought it might be handy to give them a quick lesson on three essential words.  Especially since they’ll be using them a lot after they’ve been “integrated” into our welfare system. The three words are: dumbass, smartass and

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Stupid Is As Chicago Does

Just when I thought Chicago couldn’t get any more messed up, they do something that’s even more messed up than what they were already doing. Chicago’s mayor Lori Lightfoot announced a new policy that will require officers to get the approval of a supervisor before pursuing a suspect on foot.

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Ashli Babbitt vs. George Floyd

George Floyd and Ashli Babbitt are both dead.  That’s where the similarities end, but not the comparisons. George Floyd was a career criminal.  Ashli Babbitt was a decorated veteran.  George was a man, Ashli a woman.  George was black, Ashli was white. George Floyd was arrested for trying to use

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Just Like Dave

We’ve been told that profiling is wrong.  We’ve also been warned against stereotyping and told that every individual deserves to be judged separately and not penalized for the action of others. But, what about Karen?  I know a lot of women named Karen.  Most of them are really great people. 

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Teachable Moments

There are moments in our lives that stand out from all the others.  Moments that can have a powerful impact on everything you do going forward.  Times that have so much of your focus, it’s impossible not to learn from them. When my son was a little guy, probably around

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The Solution to Gun Violence

I figured out the solution to gun violence.  It’s pretty easy actually.  I don’t know why I didn’t see this before.  The solution to gun violence is more gun violence. Now, don’t shoot the messenger.  I didn’t come up with this idea.  I’m merely applying the same twisted Liberal logic

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