You can also listen to this article on The PonkaBlog Podcast! Update: I wrote this back in July. CNN published an article this week claiming that the COVID vackseens reduce the chance of dying from anything. When you write on current events like I do, not everything stays relevant for
Category: COVID
I told you this was going to happen. I thought it would happen later in the year, so I was a little off with the timing. But we’re exactly where I figured we’d end up. Just a little sooner. Some local governments are starting to enforce mask mandates and social
In a recent interview, Anthony Fauci was discussing the proposal/plan by the Biden administration to send people door-to-door to spread the good word about vackseens. Here’s what he said: “The big misinterpretation that Fox News or whomever else is saying is that they are essentially envisioning a bunch of federal
I was talking with a friend of mine the other day about the ridiculous things that people believe. You know, crazy shit like vackseens aren’t killing people, personal pronouns are a good idea and that racist white cops are trying to exterminate black men. I wondered how so many smart
Do you know what’s good about a building falling down on a couple hundred people? Nothing. There is nothing good about a building collapsing and crushing the life out of people. But Joe Biden, being the eternal optimist he is, tried to find a silver lining. At a meeting last
Remember when you were a kid and you played “Simon Says”? Sure you do. Someone would be “Simon” and make up simple tasks for the participants to do. If Simon stated an instruction starting with “Simon says”, then you were supposed to do what Simon said. If Simon didn’t first
Remember last year when we learned that the younger you are, the less likely you are to have a really bad case of COVID-19? In fact, we learned that if you’re healthy and under 60, there is little risk to you at all from COVID-19. And the younger you are,
About 25 years ago, I was at a business dinner. The person across the table from me mentioned that he had read a study that indicated people tend to live about as long as they think they’re going to. For example, if someone believes they’re going to live until they’re
Like many people, I’ve chosen not to get a COVID-19 vacksination. My reasoning is simple. I’m healthy, so even if I were to contract the disease, I’d most likely be OK. Even though I’m not vacksinated, I don’t wear a mask. I freely walk wherever I want to go, unconcerned
Earlier this week, I was standing in line outside waiting to take my dog to the vet (ironically, it was to get her vaccinated). There were 17 people in line, and I was the only one not wearing a mask. Being the way I am, I couldn’t help but think