
Category: COVID

Total 169 Posts

The Monetization of Fear

If you take only one thing away from reading this article, remember this:  The companies making the COVID-19 vaccinations don’t get paid for every life they save.  They get paid for every person injected with an experimental drug that was fast-tracked through the clinical trial process. If you’re short on

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Last Christmas

About 3 million people die in the United States every year.  That’s about 8,000 per day or approximately 6 people every minute.  In fact, depending on how fast you read, somewhere between 10 and 20 people are going to die in the United States before you finish reading this.  They’re

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Senseless Thoughts on the COVID Vaccines

First thought:Earlier this month, as a vaccine got closer to being a reality, Helen Keipp Talbot, an infectious researcher at Vanderbilt said, “There is such a high mortality rate in long-term-care facilities. There will be a number of patients who receive immunizations for Covid and will pass away. And it

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Risks, Rewards and Lab Rats

I’m going to start out by saying that I’m not against vaccines.  I got a flu shot this year and I recently had a vaccine to prevent shingles.  As far as I know, I’m up to date on all of my vaccines.  So, I have no problem taking vaccines. The

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COVID Goggles

I’m sure everyone has heard of “Beer Goggles”.  It’s the idea that the more beer you drink, the better people look, and sometimes you end up spending the night with someone who doesn’t look quite as attractive when you wake up in the morning.  When you drink a lot of

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The Pursuit of Happiness

Governor Andrew Cuomo (NY) said earlier this year, “And if everything we do saves just one life, I’ll be happy.”  The concept here is pretty simple, it’s OK to put the interests of a single person over the interests of everyone else.  Unfortunately, this seems to be the prevailing school

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This year we’ve seen multiple huge things happen this year that, in a typical year, would be the story of the decade.  Looking at the last 12 months, it’s difficult to wrap my head around everything because the enormity of what’s happening is inconceivable. It’s inconceivable that so many people

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Segregation 2020

Segregation is alive and well in the year 2020.  But this time it’s not race that’s separating us, it’s ideas. And this time we’re doing it voluntarily. I’ve tried to have conversations with Liberals.  It’s not fun.  In fact, it’s quite painful.  I like a good argument as much as

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Catch-22 and the COVID-19 Apocalypse

As I walked the streets this morning, death was everywhere.  I saw bodies lining the sidewalk, too many to count and no one to carry them away.  Everywhere I looked I was met with the glassy stare of the almost-dead desperately seeking help while gasping for their last breath.  We

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The Asterisk Presidency

If Joe Biden manages to win this election, I will never be convinced that he did so fairly.  And I’m not alone. In my totally unscientific approach of just asking people I know who voted for Trump, 100% of the people I asked said that they believe the election was

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