There’s a meme going around comparing the COVID deaths between the United States and Japan. The claim is that Japan only has 1,000 COVID-related deaths and that low number is because people wear masks in Japan. Let me explain why this particular meme is quite likely inaccurate and certainly misleading.
Category: COVID
We’ve all seen the media reports of Trump calling the coronavirus a hoax. Except he didn’t. What he did was compare the Democrat’s attempt to impeach him to their criticism of his response to the virus saying, referring to their criticism, “this is their new hoax”. Let me put that
The most common type of testing for COVID-19 is the PCR test. That’s where they take a swab from way deep in your nose, multiply whatever they find by one TRILLION and then look to see if they can detect the virus. I’m not an immunologist but I am someone
[Note: I wrote this prior to the election. Unfortunately, not much has changed since then.] I am not the least bit concerned about COVID-19. Zip, zilch, nada. My wife is the same way. Do you want to know why? Because we don’t blindly believe everything we’re told when there is
In the late 1980’s I was a low-level telecom engineer working in Atlanta. Shortly after I started working there, my phone rang. It was a very irate woman complaining to me about how her IUD caused her to get sick. After a couple of tense minutes, I was able to
COVID testing is a huge business and people are making fortunes from performing the tests. But, any information that can be gleaned from testing is practically useless. Unfortunately, politicians use that faulty, and misleading data to make decisions that impact everyone. Politicians are using the number of positive tests to
The more I think about it, the more I have a problem with people thinking they’re better than someone else because they wear a mask whenever they go outside. Presumably to protect others. Trigger Warning: For those of you who are apparently upset by logic and reason, I’m going to
The argument I keep hearing about why we should wear masks goes something like this: “You don’t wear a mask to protect yourself. You wear a mask to protect others.” Consider this:According to the CDC, between 24,000 and 62,000 people are estimated to have died from the flu in the
I woke up this morning with a realization. I believe weather forecasts more than I believe news reports. Think about that for a bit. I trust someone to predict the future more than I trust someone to tell me about the past. But why is this? It’s simple. Meteorologists have
When my son was 3 or 4 years old, we decided to paint his bedroom. He was watching us paint and said, “I hope we don’t do this very often”. I asked why. His reply, “Because every time we paint the room, it gets a little bit smaller.” Wow. That’s