
Category: COVID

Total 169 Posts

Political Privilege

As I mentioned a week or so ago, Texas Representative Louis Gohmert (R) tested positive for COVID-19 and announced that, on the recommendation of his doctor, he was going to start a regimen of HCQ, Azithromycin and zinc. This week, Rep Gohmert announced he was recovering from the disease and

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To HCQ or not to HCQ

We can debate all day if hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) is an effective treatment for COVID-19. So, let’s not do that. As you’re probably all aware, HCQ has been banned in some states for use as a treatment for COVID-19. Doctors who prescribe it for that use can lose their medical license.

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Spice Shop

There’s a little spice shop in Ventura, CA. It has been around for years and sells great cinnamon. This past winter, the owners wanted to do something new so they put the shop up for sale. It was purchased by a young couple who took out a loan and used

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Frontline Doctors

You might have seen a video going around recently showing representatives of a group called “America’s Frontline Doctors” giving a news conference on the steps of the Supreme Court building. Or maybe you haven’t. Because the extremely-viral video, viewed over 17 million times in 8 hours, has been removed from

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I’m sure that by now you’ve wondered why some of the rules and requirements put in place to prevent the spread of the virus seem a bit arbitrary and, in some cases, downright ridiculous. Here’s the secret that they don’t want you to know. The people making these rules don’t

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Admitting Mistakes

I tend to think that all politicians are at least a little bit corrupt. Most don’t start out that way but the instant they win their election, the switch gets flipped and they immediately start thinking about getting reelected again. So, regardless of the issue they face, their decision is

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COVID Reporting

I’d like you to read the article below and then come back here to continue reading my comments. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/hospitals-told-send-coronavirus-data-washington-not-cdc-n1233861 <waiting> OK. Here we go. The CDC has done such a poor job of managing the coronavirus data that they should have had this taken away from them a long time

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COVID Analysis Errors

Here’s another long post about COVID-19. Yes, I know it’s longer than a tweet but this is important so I hope you keep reading. There are a lot of numbers being used to show you how fast the disease is spreading and how horrible it is. I’m not disagreeing that

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I’m going to say something that’s likely to upset a lot of people. I don’t wear a mask. I also don’t own any hand sanitizer, don’t wipe down my shopping carts, haven’t stayed “safer at home” and since I have a beard, I touch my face all the time. In

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