
Category: COVID

Total 169 Posts

A Really Big Ask

Now you can listen to this article on The PonkaBlog Podcast! Avella Bauer contracted ADEM (acute disseminated encephalomyelitis), a rare disease where the body’s immune system attacks its own cells and tissues.  This typically causes swelling in the brain and spinal cord.  ADEM develops in about 1 out of every

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Errors and Corrections

Well, this is embarrassing.  A few days ago, I wrote an article called “Tylenol COVID+Flu”.  I said that something like “Tylenol COVID+Flu” would be useful for alleviating some of the symptoms of COVID-19.  And, since many of the symptoms of COVID-19 are the same symptoms one might have with the

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Rapid Crap Development

Back before the mid 90’s, software developers had to be very careful about what they shipped.  This was before the Internet and downloadable software.  Consumer software was packaged, then sent to places like Babbage’s, and sold to geeks.  If the software in the box didn’t work, the product failed.  If

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Uncaringly Ignorant

Over the past few months, I’ve had many conversations that go something like this: Other Person: “I’m going to get vacksinated” Me: “Aren’t you worried about the side effects?” Other Person: “What side effects?” Then we talk a bit and I tell them about the eleven-plus thousand Americans (and counting)

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Observing the Real Danger

I know five people who have contracted COVID-19.  Five.  Out of all the people I know, I’m aware of only five of them who have actually had the disease.  And none of them died.  Hell, none of them even had symptoms worse than a cold. If COVID-19 is as contagious

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On Telecommuting and Forced Vacksinations

I know a woman who works in the Health Care industry.  Specifically, she works for Essentia Health.  Just a few days ago, Essentia released a memo stating that they were going to “require all colleagues to be fully vaccinated against COVID-19 as a condition of employment”.  Here’s a chunk of

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Meme Fact Checking #1

I ran across a sort-of meme today.  It was some text claiming that some new facts had surfaced about how much Fauci knew about the effectiveness of Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) as a treatment against SARS-CoV, and when he knew it. You can see the whole image here. There were some pretty

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The Nuremburg Suggestions

I was watching a “discussion” on Facebook yesterday about the rise of the “delta” variant.  One person stated that forcing people to be injected with an experimental drug went against The Nuremburg Code.  For those who get their information by looking at memes, I guess it’s a nice comeback. But

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Tylenol COVID+Flu

There’s a huge push by governments and Big Pharma to get everyone vacksinated against COVID-19.  The efforts continue even as evidence mounts indicating that the vackseens don’t really work as well as promised. Unvacksinated people continue to get sick.  Some die but many, many more recover on their own. But

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Reconsidering Vacksination

I’ve found that the stronger a person believes they’re right about something, the more likely it is that they could be mistaken.  And, if a person trying to convince me of something believes they’re 100% correct, I’m not inclined to take their word at face value.  No matter who they

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